Friday, October 12, 2007

* Friday's Alright for Fighting

I've given the scanner a rest for a week, but I turned it on today to listen to the annual Friday fighting report. I wasn't let down as we've had group fights from 3 p.m., until now. We had a dandy at Pratt and Ashland. Then another group fight happened at 7340 North Rogers. Police were called back to that location again later for a flair-up fight. We even had a main event group fight at Howard and Marshfield. A ambulance was called to the that one. The scanner batteries finally died as of this report, I'm sure the fighting hasn't. Could this be credited to kids just letting off a little steam after a long school week?

BLOGNOTES: I was busy keeping track of the action at the Pratt and Ashland melee, but we can't forget about the fans. I wanted to give a big shout-out right back to the group of Sullivan High School student spectators who gave Mr. 'Broken Heart' a big - "Yo, there's Morsehellhole Craig" - from across the street. Yeah, that was me. Seems I've got fans of all ages who follow the Morse Hell Hole!


Toni said...

From Howard Street

Anonymous said...

Something was going down on Morse and Greenview tonight at 9:30pm. A calvary of cops. There was a belligerent man that was put in the squad car and a woman with her hands on the hood.

union carpenter said...

Shots fired at Lunt and Glenwood around 10pm. Police arrive on scene, frisking those nearby. Ambulance arrives and departs with lights on. Wondering what happened? Someone definately got shot!

wantstoknow said...

Does anyone know what was going on up at the intersection by the alderman's office last night (Sunday)? I was driving up Greeniew on my way to Dominick's about 6:30pm, and there were cops all over the place.

Craig Gernhardt said...

A police roll call in response to the shooting the night before. I heard the roll call speech was a inspirational one.

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