Thursday, January 3, 2008

* Police Chase Edgewater/Uptown Taggers (Updated 3X)

Tonight at 7:00 PM, the police got into a foot chase with a couple of teenagers who jumped from a roof after allegedly tagging a building in the area of Broadway and Winona One guy was nabbed right away. After a short chase, (15 minutes) the police apprehended the other one at Carmen and Glenwood. The second one was caught with the spray can in his pocket. A dead give-away as to what the dumb tagger was up to.

A good catch for the police in the 20th district.

Updated #1 - 7:25 PM: Looks like there are three taggers. One's still on the loose and on the roof. They're thinking of calling in the fire department for help if the tagger doesn't come down. The helicopter requested is out of the question. That thing doesn't go out at night.

Updated #2- 7:32 PM: Third tagger caught. That's a wrap.

Updated #3 - 1/4/08, 6:40 AM: Fixed headline. I was attempting to expand my coverage, but I've decided to pull back thanks to commenter Sam.

Why you may ask? Well, I don't get paid a dime to cover anything. I do it to inform neighbors who are otherwise not informed on what's happening. While I don't mind a debate, I'm not keen on being dissed on my own blog. I've got enough Rogers Park trolls that do this sort of thing to last a lifetime.

Sorry all you Uptown/Edgewater residents who may have been looking for information that the people of authority don't give you. You're back on your own. If you know Sam, thank him.


sam said...

Duh! Winona is south of Foster. That's Uptown not Edgewater.

lafew said...

Who are the tangible taggers? Do we have names? Tag lines? Closed cases in need of solutions?

Craig Gernhardt said...

I said that's a wrap Lafew, not case closed. Wrap as in, I'm done covering this story. But something is closing.

After Sam the troll's "Duh" response on this story, I'm just going to pull out of covering Edgewater and Uptown all together. With a first comment like this, they seem like a bunch of ungrateful fucks down there.

I would've followed through and offered up who they were, and when a court date would be, but it's not worth it.

After one more story today on the 48th ward Alderman's office, I'm going back to just Rogers Park again.

dbt said...

Wah wah? how do you know where Sam is from? Why are you crying about one moron commenter?

- David Terrell

JP Paulus said...

i agree -- you shouldn't give up just because of a few "bad apples".

You have many fans in Uptown, due to your stance & style. They don't have a problem with you living in Rogers Park but commenting on Uptown. In fact, they seem to love you.

i'm sure IrishPirate would be happy to be your attack dog for comments you don't like, & "put them in their place". Just let him know.

When you're a published wirter, whether the Tribune, the News STar, or a blog, you're going to have the occasional troll. Don't give up if you believe in what you're doing is right.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Thanks for the words JP. I've just changed my mind and will stay in Rogers Park.

Uptown Update does a great job at covering Uptown. We can cross link one another if each of us likes the others story.

As for that Buena Park on-line forum, well, that's sad communication device. Worse that our Forum 49. Outdated and poor readership numbers and comment activity. I've linked to that site only once. Funny enough, that topic got clobbered with hits, making it the most read posting in years.

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