Wednesday, January 30, 2008

* Police Chase Unsuspected Stolen Car

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Today at 2:52 PM, a sharp eyed police officer making a traffic stop at Gregory and Ashland suddenly found himself chasing a car that was stolen. As the chase took shape, the stolen vehicle struck a parked car, causing damage. Then, the chase led to a alley off Ashland. The offenders decided to jump from the stolen 1997 Dodge with rear end damage, abandoning the car near Bryn Mawr and Ashland, causing more damage to the front end. (Rear end damage happened before the car was stolen.)

Fleeing the stolen vehicle were three Hispanics, two males and a female. After a short foot chase, one of the males was captured by the 20th district police officer and brought back to the scene to be positively identified.

Blognotes: The car had those pesky temp plates, making it hard for the police to read. This causes precious minutes of down time figuring out who's car/plates they were dealing (or not dealing) with.

1 comment:

Natas said...

Again, Not Rogers Park - As you once said, STAY ON TOPIC

Since this is called the broken fart of rogers park, I'm sorry, heart, but with your shit fetish, it should be called the fart.

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