Sunday, February 3, 2008

* Anita Alvarez for Cook County State's Attorney

North Coast said...> "I want a career prosecutor who is extremely fair, tough on violent crime and gets results, meaning convictions that stick, and long sentences that are served. Ms. Alvarez seems extremely fair in that she will prosecute criminal law enforcement people with the same zeal she does street criminals. Cops are not let off because they belong to the brotherhood, and street cons are not given passes for being underprivileged....

....This election, we are being offered a choice between a couple of professional pols, one a thoroughly entrenched machine Democrat, and a professional prosecutor, for the office of Cook County State's Attorney.

Citizens are often baffled as to how the same passels of crooks and parasites retain their posts through numerous election cycles, and maybe it's because the voters don't know the alternatives.

We are hearing about only one well-known candidate,and one little-known opponent, with the third, and most qualified contender hardly being mentioned: Anita Alvarez, the Chief Deputy of the Cook County State's Attorney's Office."
Continue reading.

The 'Broken Heart' strongly agrees with North Coast on this one. Anita Alvarez for Cook County State's Attorney.


Craig Gernhardt said...

When the going gets tough, Larry cuts and runs.

Big Daddy said...

Screw Alvarez and anybody else that jumps on this anti-police bandwagon that has become fashionable as of late. I've worked with her on a few cases and had intended to vote for her but not after this. Here's some food for thought. The press likes to constantly run their anti-police agenda (how many times have you seen the Abbate video)and all these candidates for the S/A's office are all claiming that they will "prosecute rogue cops". If Police mis-conduct was as pervasive as they would have you believe then why did the press have to go back three years to find any Police mis-conduct that was newsworthy as the have done in the Officer Cozzi case? No thanks Anita, I'll vote for Tom Allen in the primary but in the general Peraica will get my vote. And you can thank yourself for caving in to the leftists for not getting my vote. Police mis-conduct? An urban legend and myth that has taken on a life of it's own thanks to cowards like you and the newsmedia.

billyjoe said...

Im voting for Larry Suffredin for State's Attorney!

strong survivor said...

Larry Suffredin has never prosecuted a case. How can he lead prosecutors? Or even know what to do in cases that are complicated? Larry Suffredin is a bought and paid for politician - and a lobbyist. How does that qualify him in any way shape or form?

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