Tuesday, February 5, 2008

* Live Election Blogging from Rogers Park (Updated)

Precinct 29- 6935 N. Sheridan Road / Leona's Restaurant: While some precincts are super strict, here's a election sign that you can see from the voting booth, right through the polling place window. This can't be legal.

Update: Sign was removed.


CNB said...

It ain't.

Natas said...

Well, most of your posts are lies, and some could be considered illegal, and slanderous.

Same goes for your circle jerk homo buddy Tom Mannis.

And didn't you say you have been puting up signs?

You are scum

Unknown said...

I nominate natass for "Angriest Little Boy in the Neighborhood" award!!

Mark Fletcher said...

Funnily enough, Natas did raise a valid point on the Bench, where he accused Mannis of being a Republican.

Mannis then flatly denied being a Republican.

Fair enough, but Im confused as to why he's then gone and registered the domains gopchicago.com and gopillinios.net?

I did post a polite comment to his blog, but it never got published. Funny that...

chianim8r said...

And actaully being a Republican is a bad thing?

Mark Fletcher said...


I think your confusing the issue; when someone openly denies following a political party, but is surrounded by evidence to the contrary, thats something I find to be rather suspect.

The Half Jap said...

Well, Both Craig and Tom are pieces of human filth, so, it's no wonder they are "shady"

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