Saturday, February 2, 2008

* Schakowsky Feels Safe in Suffredin's Foxhole

Lafew said....> "Is Suffredin bluffing about his recent litigation experience? Does he have a significant docket or does he Frolic at Froehlic in Springfield? A recent review of the Federal Record through the Pacer Search System confirms that the media does not do its homework. Suffredin claims that he is a litigator."


The North Coast said...

Craig, have you ever heard the saying' "bad publicity is better then no publicity?"

I know you and other bloggers mean well by keeping the names of Suffredin, Schakowsky, and other machine pols and thier toadies featured daily on all your blogs, but you're working against your purpose by giving these stooges so much free publicity.

Instead, highlight their alternatives. They DO have opposition, and people need to hear more about it.

I'm sick to death of seeing LS's name featured allover the blogs, even if only to pan him. Let's stop giving these scum free publicity.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Okay, Laura, here's my pick. I'm going with the Loyola grad. Here's her early press release.

Anita Alvarez, the Chicago native whose successful prosecution of the ‘Girl X Case’ won her widespread praise for putting a child predator behind bars while setting legal precedents to help keep all children safer, announced today that she will run for the top job in the State’s Attorney’s Office where she has spent her outstanding career, saying she will put her experience to use to bring “steady leadership for positive change” to Cook County.

“I’m running to make a difference, not history,” said Alvarez, who would be the first woman and first Hispanic to hold the office. “Our challenge is to be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime. I’m ready to meet that challenge.”

Alvarez oversees the day-to-day operations of more than 900 assistant state’s attorneys in eight different divisions handling felony prosecutions and civil actions. She and her staff deal with the major issues confronting the community, from child abuse to consumer scams to criminal gangs to environmental protection.

Starting her career in the State’s Attorney’s Office in 1986, Alvarez’s breadth of experience with the major issues confronting the community makes her uniquely qualified to head the office. She has served as chief of staff to retiring State Attorney Richard Devine, served on the Gang Crimes Unit, headed up the Public Integrity Unit and the Special Prosecutions Bureau, and served as Deputy Chief of the Narcotics Bureau.

A native of Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood, Alvarez graduated from Maria High School, earned her bachelor’s degree from Loyola University of Chicago, and received her law degree from Chicago-Kent College of Law. Active in the community and various law associations, she is a founding member of the National Hispanic Prosecutors Association and has served as its national president. She was chosen as a fellow in Leadership Great Chicago’s 2004 class and served on the group’s board from 2004 to 2006.

Alvarez was named Person of the Year by Chicago Lawyer Magazine in 2001 and was recognized that year by the Council for Disability Rights for her outstanding advocacy on behalf of people with disabilities. She won a 2002 Professional Achievement Award from her alma mater, Chicago-Kent College of Law, and has been named Person of the Year by the Latin American Police Association and States Attorney of the Year by the Illinois State Crime Commission, both in 2005.

Alvarez currently serves as Second Vice President of the Chicago Bar Association and is slated to become its president in 2009. She is married to Dr. James Gomez and is the proud mother of four children.

Anita's Website.

The North Coast said...

Funny, Craig, but last night I posted my endorsement of Anita Alvarez on my blog.

I havn't been posting much because I've been too involved in building a new side business.

But I had to speak for this woman. She is pure professional prosecutor, and successfully prosecuted the monster who assaulted and raped "GirlX." She has received widespread acclaim for her success in prosecuting hundreds of viscious crimes.

So I congratulate you on your fine choice.

The North Coast said...

Why don't you do a feature post on her?

She is far and away the most qualified candidate.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Just days before Tuesday's primary, a new Tribune/WGN-TV poll shows a wide-open race for the Democratic nomination for Cook County state's attorney with none of the six contenders in the increasingly bitter battle able to claim support from more than a fraction of voters.

Almost half of the likely Democratic voters surveyed, 44 percent, said they were undecided about who should be the nominee for the opening created when State's Atty.

Dick Devine decided not to seek re-election.

Cook County Commissioner Larry Suffredin held a narrow edge, with support from 17 percent of voters, the poll showed. Chicago Alds. Tom Allen (38th) and Howard Brookins (21st) each had 11 percent, as did Anita Alvarez, the No. 3 official in Devine's office.

Devine's top assistant, Robert Milan, had 3 percent and Tommy Brewer, a defense lawyer and former FBI agent, had 2 percent.

Full story.

The North Coast said...

Shows you how crucial name recognition is.

I believe that is the only reason LS has his slight edge, and it says something about him that he is only able to pull 17% in spite of his widespread notoriety.

I wish there were fewer people running against Alverez. However, she has sent out a couple of mailers in the past week, since Tuesday, and maybe that will help.

lafew said...

Ms. North Coast:

In a shortsighted and boneheaded move, the Democratic Party held an extremely short primary period to vote for those who will likely assume office. In other words, none of us had the time to listen to those who are running with enough time to absorb the rhetoric and make good choices.

On giving scum free publicity, when someone spraypaints Nazi symbols all over Westlawn Cemetery, should we ignore it? Some think we should pretend that it will just go away. Others say, "never again!"

Let's call it like it is. Mr. S has serious credibility issues in my opinion. Even if the electorate makes serious mistakes and supports someone who I view as a windbag for prosecutor.

I want to see a credible candidate, but if people think that Anita Alvarez seems more genuine, so be it. I like Anita's ads and she has fared well in the debates. Bob Milan seems like he is 'going Gore' in his tv ads with the rolling eyeballs.

In addition, some of us looked at today's polls. We will review who is the most qualified, viable, and make a call. I am not going to stick with a three percent candidate like Milan. I think that Milan started too late and so did Dick Devine. Milan's presence is not attracting voters and it will be good to have a woman in charge for a change.

Perhaps, we should be exposing Alderman Allen and his short comings, as well. His ads are slick, but DFA regulars allege Allen acted out innappropriately. Smear tactic? I don't know, but Allen is no better than Brookins.
Allen reminds me of Victor, the politician, in ABC's "Desperate Housewives."

Sometimes, an Alderman like Allen needs to make a stand. In addition, DFA members should not be so hostile and sensitive to those who simply work for an agency. If Devine leaves, then change is inevitable.

The North Coast said...

I don't know how Ms. Alvarez comes across as a person. How "genuine" a person is doesn't strike me unless I see her on the tube, which is never.

I'm going by her record as a prosecutor, which is the only career she's ever had. Her record is absolutely impressive.

I want a career prosecutor who is extremely fair, tough on violent crime and gets results, meaning convictions that stick, and long sentences that are served. Ms. Alvarez seems extremely fair in that she will prosecute criminal law enforcement people with the same zeal she does street criminals. Cops are not let off because they belong to the brotherhood, and street cons are not given passes for being underprivileged.

That's all I care. I try not to care about how a person comes across, because you can tell so little from how warm and genuine she may seem- all con artists are great at projecting warm, friendly, personalities with just the right degree of seriousness and just the right touch of humor. That's why I don't watch these people on television.

lafew said...

It is possible that the office will get a bit strict. If you check Milan's endorsements, then they are significant. Both Alvarez and Milan have records. The media played up his comments in fight for salary increases.

I was always looking at both candidates, sinec both have done incredible things. Milan teaches and organized continuiing legal education for prosecutors on how to avoid and prevent the use of false confessions. His work for Devine on a number of issues demonstrates that he is taking the office in the right direction.

The challenge is that green and white signs in what some consider an obscure position is possibly enough. Of course, until they are indicted and face trial.

I think that some candidates are full of rhetoric and others full of know how on how the SAO's office should work. I'd rather elect one in the latter column. If one is not electable, then I would hope that voters will look for the one that is.

I think that it is a vote for the best and most viable candidate in a group this large. Devine's delayed decision affected Milan's candidacy, pure and simple. However, Alvarez comes off in the debates and media as appearing more cool and composed.

lafew said...

To clarify what is meant by "until indicted and convicted:

If you are the accused or represent the accused, then you want an office with a department head that may used their discretion in certain unusual situations, rather than simply tell you to tell your client to "tell it to da judge."

You don't want a chief prosecutor without discretion and experience. In addition, you want to hope that you don't have one that is inconsistent and does favors for some, but not for others as a matter of discretion.

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