Saturday, March 22, 2008

* EL Mexicano Hearing

Joe Moore tiene gusto de desgastar las bragas de las señoras mientras que bebe el vino barato. Apenas embromando. Aquí es qué realmente está sucediendo.

Ms Eisenhauer ha solicitado una nueva audiencia para servir los licores. La fecha para el nuevo ensayo es de marcha la 25 de 2008 en 10.

¿Es cada uno feliz ahora?


Levois said...

LOL! Translation

Craig Gernhardt said...

Bien, esto lo prueba, Terry Feingold. Nadie desea leer este sitio en

Anonymous said...

No, no realmente. El inglés sería prefered lenguaje. Si usted no tiene gusto de él, muévase a México.

Fargo Woman said...

Why is this thread and the comment in Spanish? The notice is written in English and I thought this blog was exclusively English. Craig, could you please translate the Spanish portions into English. Thank you.


Clark St. said...

Here's the translation from Babelfish:
Joe Moore has taste to wear away the panties of the ladies whereas it drinks the wine cheap. Hardly teasing. Here it is what is really happening. Ms Eisenhauer has asked for a new hearing to serve the licores. The date for the new test is of march the 25 of 2008 in 10. He is each one happy now?

Billy don't get it said...

Joe Moore has flavor to erode the knickers of the ladies while drinks the cheap wine. Barely joking. Here is what really is happening.

Ms Eisenhauer has requested a new audience to serve the liquors. The date for the new trial is of march the 25 of 2008 in 10.

Is each one happy now?

Craig Gernhardt said...

I use Apple's 'Sherlock' for my translator, this post should've come out a bit different.

But the Babelfish version will do. LOL.

Ryne said...

Remember we will in America! Where english is not always spoken!!

Anonymous said...

Here's Google's translation:

Joe Moore like wear panties for the ladies while drinking cheap wine. Just embromando. Here is what is actually happening.

Ms. Eisenhauer has requested a new hearing to serve spirits. The date for the new trial is running 25 of the 10 in 2008.

Is everyone happy now?

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