Thursday, March 27, 2008

* Neighbor Issues Community Alert

Yesterday a famliy friend(lets call her mary) was walking to walgreens on rogers and clark when she was stop by a guy. the guy ask for an unknown address and she said it doesnt exist in the neighborhood. a lady comes out of nowhere and gets into the conversation and the guy asks her about the unknown address.. she says yea its around the corner of the walgreens. the guy ask if they could go with him and show him. the lady says she has a car and shell only take him if mary only agrees to go with them. then the guys says that he has to pay one thousands dollars to a lawyer and he offered to give them both twenty dollars.

The lady then starts talking about her bank acct and they turned and ask mary information about her bank acct. thats when mary started getting uneasy and she knew something was wrong for one because there is no lawyer office around the community period and that they were trying to force bank information out of her and they where trying to get her in the car.

Mary told them that she has no money and she knows nothing about banks and thats when they walk away...the male is describe around his early to mid 20's no facial hair six feet tall dark brown skin short hair and was dress elegant with a tie and a shirt. the lady is describe around her 50's and had a real nice car. both indivituals are hispanics (she doesnt remember any information about the lady and car because she was getting nervous especially since she was walking on birchwood and no one was around she thought they were going to grab her and put her in the car so her mind basically blanked just glad she remembers how the guy at least looked like) mary is an elderly person and this is the second case within a month that

I know has happen to someone i know with the other vicitm also been an elderly lady.. i know of a similar case that happen a couple of yrs ago to someone i know and i talked to her earlier today and she describe the guy the same way that mary describe except she told me he was from venezuela because of the accent and the way he talked the only difference was the age which she said he was around 18 or 20. which makes sense since it was a couple of years ago and now this incident has happen now.. as far as iknow from the information i have been getting they are preying on elderly and females that look like easy target.

If you could please pass the word around so people can keep their eyes open for this con artists and on all three cases it has been around walgreens on howard n western and rogers n clark. i had push them to do a police report but they are scared and dont want too. i also would like to know when the next CAPS meeting is so i can go and talk about this matter. its cases like this that doesnt get reported that pisses me off because they are not been reported out of fear.and because they pray on the innocent

Thank you,
David H.


Unknown said...

just found your blog while searching for information about the fire at the oasis. i continued reading and noticed how ridiculous this is. i just have a couple of things to say that maybe you are missing. joe moore, whom i know absolutely nothing about, says el mexicano liquors doesn't sell single cans of beer. maybe the language is a bit shady on that, but you were buying 24 oz. cans of beer in your video...typically thought of as two beers, and typically costing two dollars. for a buck fifty more you could get a six pack. a single beer is typically 12 oz., and you can't legally sell a 12 oz. beer anywhere unless it's a bar.

secondly, your video of morse avenue, although it isn't the most pleasant place in the city, isn't really showing anything. wow, broken glass and some empty bottles on the street...and planters with missing trees? were really reaching for that one. this is america...there are bottles and cans and glass and plastic bags everywhere. additionally, there are drugs everywhere, and there always will be. live and let live. don't blame the alderman, blame the mindset of the american population. yours is obviously a bit skewed as well. we should work to make people want more out of life instead of expecting law enforcement to punish them for doing the things they have to do to get by in life.

Unknown said...

just found your blog while searching for information about the fire at the oasis. i continued reading and noticed how ridiculous this is. i just have a couple of things to say that maybe you are missing. joe moore, whom i know absolutely nothing about, says el mexicano liquors doesn't sell single cans of beer. maybe the language is a bit shady on that, but you were buying 24 oz. cans of beer in your video...typically thought of as two beers, and typically costing two dollars. for a buck fifty more you could get a six pack. a single beer is typically 12 oz., and you can't legally sell a 12 oz. beer anywhere unless it's a bar.

secondly, your video of morse avenue, although it isn't the most pleasant place in the city, isn't really showing anything. wow, broken glass and some empty bottles on the street...and planters with missing trees? were really reaching for that one. this is america...there are bottles and cans and glass and plastic bags everywhere. additionally, there are drugs everywhere, and there always will be. live and let live. don't blame the alderman, blame the mindset of the american population. yours is obviously a bit skewed as well. we should work to make people want more out of life instead of expecting law enforcement to punish them for doing the things they have to do to get by in life.

mr.jones said...

Wow! I can't even come back with anything for Tom's comment. I"m numb!

Anonymous said...

Tom says: we should work to make people want more out of life instead of expecting law enforcement to punish them for doing the things they have to do to get by in life.

So you are saying that throwing shit on the ground and selling drugs is doing what they have to do to get by. I say your full of shit.

Lock them up. I am sick of the garbage, both living, and on the ground!

Adelie said...

Oh, give me a break, Tom!

"Doing things to get by?" How the hell does that place a stamp of approval on people throwing their empty liquor bottles on the side of the road instead of walking another five feet to put them in a trash receptacle?

And you really think they should be allowed to sell drugs to get by? You're an idiot. I suppose you think if they wish to engage the entrepreneurial spirit and produce noxious crystal meth in an apartment building, that's just a-okay.

Being poor is NO excuse for being a thug and a pig. I have known poor people who were gracious, hard-working, well-mannered and respectable. It was not beneath them to work "flipping burgers" and/or work two jobs. They may not have been "Einsteins", but they didn't use oppression as the lame ass excuse it has become.

There is absolutely no reason Rogers Park has to look like a dump! And that IS the alderman's fault, you moron. And it's not like Joe doesn't know...he's been told about it thousands of times. He just doesn't care.

And I hate to tell you this, but you should really get out more. Why does Lakeview and Lincoln Park look so much better? It has nothing to do with money. It has to do with being civilized and having leaders who give a damn. Duh.

The North Coast said...

Sorry, but the civilized population of this country is too stressed and hard put to make a decent living and struggle with inflation, taxes, income insecurity, and their own personal problems to have the time and energy to attempt to motivate the human refuse in this area and everywhere else to "want more in life".

We can't supply these people with the internal motivation to do what they need to do to clean themselves and their lives up. We are not all social workers, and we sure as hell aren't hyper-rich philanthropists. We barely have time to give our children, mates, parents and friends the attention, assistance, and love they deserve. Why should we spare any of that for people who do their damndest to make themselves unworthy of consideration?

That's been tried for 50 years and the results are there to see: appalling crime rates and ruined cities in every area of the country, with life being made more difficult every day for the non-wealthy majority of the population that wants only to live stable, productive lives in a safe, stable, attractive area, hold onto its slender gains, and in general live a decent life.

So now we know that external, and rather negative, motivation is the only thing that works. Clean up or move out. Stop selling illegal drugs and practising public prostitution on the streets, or go to jail.

This goes for our scummy local politicians and for business owners who make their living by creating more neighborhood problems, as well as the people who are cooking crank in their apartments, puking on the streets, and harrassing and assaulting their fellow citizens.

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