Sunday, March 30, 2008

* Patrick in the Hunt (Update)

Find Craig in the Crowd

Live blogging from Luxembourg. What a start to the season. 32 trials pilot's in Pat's class. After the first loop Pat is currently sitting in 4th place. Most of the sections are mucky from a major downpour of rain last night. Scores are higher than normal.

Blognotes: The village of Ettelbruck is wonderful. There's got to be 10,000 people in the town watching the action. If only the mayor would let me hold one of these events in the city. Oh, what fun would that be? But the mayor doesn't have the cahoona's.

Okay, heading back out for loop two. Go Pat Go.

Update: Man... Oh man. Doesn't that USA flag look good second from the top? Patrick dialed it in on the second loop, with 19 dabs (points). Unofficially, Pat's now tied for first. And the kid is worn out. He says it's his hardest event. EVER! Stay tuned, he may have had a time penalty.

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Sounds like a great trip! I think I spotted you in the photo too.

Have fun!

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