Sunday, March 30, 2008

* Welcome to Joe Moore's Neighborhood

The Bench - Exclusive - About 100 teens were fighting each other on Howard Street late Friday night. A huge rumble broke out around 11:50 p.m. A CTA employee, on duty at the time, made the 911 call to report the melee. Today, he blamed a local youth club. 

Police initially dispatched about a dozen cars to the scene, at Howard and Paulina, which was closed to traffic to facilitate the ongoing CTA station construction. Howard CTA station is the norther end of the Red Line and is in Chicago's 49th Ward, on the border of Evanston. Source.

Blognotes: I'm lovin' it. Fight away young men. Joe Moore has no control over his peeps. Too bad Nathan wasn't involved. I would love to see the kid get his ass kicked. I love competition.


Craig Gernhardt said...

That's right folks, it's all Joe's fault.

Joe Moore's enablers.

billyjoe said...

How is it Joe Moore's fault that this area of the city (and there are many more like it) has such a high concentration of unsupervised youth who, due to lack of parenting, upbringing, education, opportunities, et cetera, feel the need to incite violence on a Friday evening?

There's all this talk about forming "rainbow coalitions" and "finding common ground despite our differences," and "more police presence and neighborhood watch groups," but the truth of the matter seems to be that the key to improving Rogers Park and other areas is the removal and relocation of households that produce these lawless punks.

Gentrification and yuppies, as obnoxious and expensive their presence can sometimes be, are much preferable to low-class criminal wannabes.

Craig Gernhardt said...

During the election Joe Moore bragged that these were HIS PEOPLE.

Bosworth said...

How is this Joe's fault you ask? Joe has created this pocket of poverty. He supports the psuedo churches and non-profits that buy buildings NOH because their residents keep him in office. They don't have to screen their tenants or maintain the buildings. Just keep Joe in office. During his last campaign, he boasted to the residents living in Section 8 housing they would lose their homes if it weren't for him. He guaranteed Northpoint residents their 'affordable housing' for the next 27 years. In the meantime, call his office and try to get trash cans installed around the neighborhood. You'll be told he doesn't like them because people fill them up! Try to get speed bumps on a street with an elementary school that is notorious for drivers that speed and run stop signs. There's no money for that. Try to get Joe or anyone from his staff to walk the neighborhood to see how things really are. You get nothing from him. He gladly takes his $100k+ a year, his expenses and his car, and laughs all the way to the bank. This area will not be allowed to change as long as Joe Moore is around. It's his retirement security. Without this pocket of poverty to re-elect him, he may have to work for all the citizens of the ward. Remember in the last election, 49% of us did not vote for Joe Moore.

lafew said...

Where did Mannis come up with 100? I feel a certain pinochio-sized nose generating out of the RP Bench. Could it be . . . clear pine? Could it be . . . ?

Craig Gernhardt said...

I've never met a more worthless elected official than Joe Moore. The guy is a A-1 jack-ass.

Oh, I take that back. Helen Shiller is equally as worthless.

The Half Jap said...

Since When is Tom Mannis a "credible" or "legitimate" news source?

How about NEVER!

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