Friday, April 18, 2008

* Earthquake Shakes Chicago (Update 2X)

Did you get your wake-up call? An earthquake measuring nearly 5.0 occurred this morning at 4:39 AM in the southernmost part of Indiana - shaking a wide area of the midwest awake. The shaking lasted about 10 seconds. No word on any serious damage or injuries at this time. But buildings shook as far away as Rogers Park. Including mine.

Update 6:00 AM: They've kicked this quake up to 5.4 on the scale. Experts are saying this is the worst earthquake to hit the area since 1968.

Update 6:55 AM: They just can't make up their minds. Now rated 5.2 on the Richter Scale.

Maps from the Earthquake Information Center.


Sassy said...

Ha ha! Good morning, Craig!!! We all woke up here in Uptown too and now I can't go back to sleep. Thanks for keeping me informed on the goings-on on the northside. Thanks to you I know why I am awake right now!

blahbry said...


I was awake when it hit (don't ask) and put in a call to the city, confirming that people were calling in from all parts. I punched up a story and we're tracking updates over on the Methods Reporter. I think we were the first to hit the web with the news actually.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Everyone and their brother is googling this thing. My last 10 google searches that wound up on the 'Broken Heart' this morning.

chicago earthquake
earthquake in chicago april 18 2008
earthquake this morning chicago
earthquake chicago april 18 2008
earthquake in chicago april 18, 2008
chicago earthquake 2008
loyola park pervert tom westgard
broken heart of rogers park
earthquake chicago
earthquake in chicago in 2008

The North Coast said...

I didn't feel a thing, but my mother called from St. Louis, was shaken out of her bed. The impact was greater in that city, I believe.

Fargo said...

I didn't feel anything. Scott had a restless cat walking on his head, but he didn't notice any rumbling.

billyjoe said...

The earthquake is Joe Moore's fault.

Butternut said...

I was dead asleep when first quake but around 10 AM I totally felt my bed shake three different times, it kinda freaked me out. A few minutes later I got online and found out about the Earthquake. What I felt must have been an aftershock. Anyone else feel any aftershocks?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Preliminary reports indicate the tremors at 10:15 a.m. registered at 4.6 on the Richter Scale.

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