Saturday, April 19, 2008

* Eidolon Art Studio Goes Out with a Bang Tonight

Back on August 4, 2005 I did my first story on Eidolon Art Studio. A lot of neighbors were happy to see the space filled when they opened. I even did my best to promote them. I commissioned (paid) work from the artists - I gave them some freebie advertising at my magazine. And I did five features on them here. See, even Mr. Grumpy has a soft side. But sadly, it looks like all good things must come to a end.
The studio is closing its doors to the arts at the end of April this year. This may be a shock to some, and to others the final curtain they’ve seen coming down for a while. Either way there is much to reminisce about in these final moments, but there is still one more show to go! It is a last-chance/swan-song/wake/go-down-in-flames evening of art and last chance wheels and deals. Website.

Tonight, April 19th, from 7-10pm, will be their final open studio. As they said on the website, hope to see you there.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Oops, sorry. I missed one. I did six features.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Before Eidolon.

Veronica said...

I guess this just isn't a neighborhood that businesses find profitable for an extended number of years. Personally, I don't really find that surprising, as the shooting, hommies, and whores don't really bring a sense of safety to a community. Hard to walk around outside, not to mention unpleasant.

The North Coast said...

I tend to agree with you, V& J.

We have too many little scattered, low-visibility commercial pockets where businesses have to fight to attract good traffic amidst the kind of problems you describe. The location of Eidelon was very unfavorable- too far from other good businesses to be visible or attract the traffic they needed, and too close to the neighborhood's worst problems.

Trouble is, we will not attract enough businesses in order for them to "anchor" each other until we rid ourselves of our problem population, mainly the gaggles of lowlifes that dwell in slum buildings in the vicinity and draw people like themselves from other parts of the city to the area.

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