Tuesday, April 29, 2008

* Who Needs a Asswhuppin'?

Tom Mannis found this ditty another blogger posted awhile back.

10 People In Need Of An Asswhuppin'

10. "The Epicurean" Ald Joe Moore

9 ."Spin-free Spinner "Tony Snow"

8. "Panderin'" John McCain

7. "Screamin' Mimi" Michelle Malkin

6. "Falafel" Bill O Reilly

5. "Oxy" Rush Limbaugh

4. "Was For It Before I Was Against It" Mitt Romney

3. "Queen of Darkness" Ann Coulter

2. "Dead-Eye" Dick Cheney...
Mannis also noticed only one self-proclaimed progressive democrat made the "Needs a Asswhuppin' list. Find out who was number one here.

Another find catch by Mannis here.

1 comment:

The North Coast said...

I'd have to add Hillary Clinton to the list, for trying to out-pander John McCain by pressing for the dropping of gasoline taxes, as well as promising to bail out every homedebtor in hock to his eyeballs on an overpriced house.

Our politicos are all such a passel of lying, pandering, money-grubbing swine that I wonder why I still bother to vote.

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