Monday, April 28, 2008

* Sullivan High School Chaos (Update 11X)

11:40 AM: All hells breaking loose. We've got a huge fight at Sullivan High School. Offenders are running from the police. Two offenders caught outside.

11:42 AM: Now we've got a big chase as we speak - both inside and outside the school. Six Police squads cars are on scene.

11:46 AM: Someone must've gotten hurt. Ambulance has been called to the school.

11:52 AM: Police radio dispatch. Multiple arrests.

11:57 AM: 5 arrested so far. One offender going to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston.

1:05 PM: New flare-up at Sullivan High School. It's happening on the second floor. It's insane, the kids are going INSANE! You can hear them over the radio.

1:06 PM: The police have one in custody. The kids yelling in the back-ground can be heard over the air.

1:07 PM: Dispatch gives the slow-down.

1:13 PM: 24th district is calling for back-up gang TAC teams from District 20 for dismissal time, 2:40 PM. TAC units in 24 are down. That's right, school's not even out yet. They're still learning how to fight.

2:29 PM: WTF? Police have orders for special attention to Armstrong School at 2110 West Greenleaf now.

3:05 PM: 20th District is released from detail at Sullivan High School. All is calm - so far.


billyjoe said...

This is Joe Moore's fault!

Craig Gernhardt said...

billyjoe said... "This is Joe Moore's fault!

If you say so.

Hillari said...

Sullivan sounds like Austin, the first high school I attended -- totally out of control. It appears that anyone who graduates from there is to be commended. With all that drama going on, it would be a good guess that very little is being learned or taught in the classes.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Top blogger Tom Mannis covers the Sullivan High School mess.

Veronica said...

I am so glad that our tax dollars are going towards giving these hoodlums a place to beat up on one another, to recruit soldiers to gangs, sell drugs, and most likely fuck.

Anyone who teaches at any Chicago public school must either be insane or a saint. I know that I would never do, not for all the money in the world.

Hillari said...

I was a substitute teacher for a year with both the Chicago and Evanston school districts. While I never had assignments in Chicago schools (which was probably a blessing), I can truly say that being a sub at Evanston High School wasn't exactly a picnic, either.

Over the weekend, I was talking to my pastor and his secretary. Both stated they were going to homeschool their kids when they have some. They pointed out problems, including the ones at Sullivan, as the basis for their decision. "As a Chicago Public School grad, I don't blame you," I told them.

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