Wednesday, May 21, 2008

* Tinfoil Hat Required to Enter 49th Ward Political Club

A hard-core Joe Moore political toady attended the monthly 49th ward Democratic meeting, and gives us this very accurate report.
"....At least a quarter of the attendees plainly depend on a bottle of pills to maintain their tenuous grasp of reality, and no category of people had more questions and comments. It was a constant struggle to balance tolerating their lunatic interjections long enough to pacify them, versus telling them to shut up when the craziness had dragged on long enough. Probably a quarter of the two-hour meeting was spent with the alderman providing direct social services to the ill and the mentally needy (by graciously tolerating their inane ranting), while the rest of us looked on. It was more than a little tiresome....."


CNB said...

The truly elite amongst them wore their more fashionable aluminum foil hats. It's probably a good thing that the insane have a place to gather and rant in mutual support. Poor things need a space of their own, after all, where they can drool on themselves without the glare of public scrutiny.

MadeInRogersPark said...

So please explain what happened at the meeting? Did the tinfoils overwhelming approve the construction of an 8 story building along Sheridan Road?
I still don't get it. How much do you have to pay to build something like this. REally strange I am still opposed but who cares what I think. I have always paid my bills, kept my property in good condition, provided reasonable rent to my tennants along with heat and gas and laundry.
Why now, an 8 story construction on Sheridan Road.

The North Coast said...

Somebody owns that land and wants to build it and for some reason, sees a potential profit in it,is why it's being built. That is why everything gets built, at least things developed by private entities with their own money.

Sometimes they see a profit potential in the mere fact of building it, and selling it to someone else. Or in building it with an injection of public funds, which I suspect could be the case here.

I will be at the meeting tonight to find out.

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