Sunday, June 15, 2008

* Child Labor Worksite Hi-jinx

Exclusive Video

Nothing like a little fun on the work site. Even when working on a Sunday. You know, double-time pay. After all, kid workers will be kid workers. You get what you pay for when you dip into the early-teen work pool.

One young worker takes time out to soak a strip of old insulation in a water puddle. Then throws the wet chunk of fiberglass meshing at his fellow co-worker. His co-worker wants revenge. But child worker #1 retreats. Notice how child worker #1 wipes his eyes with his work shirt.

In the other clip the kids seem to have taken in a nasty smell or possibly some fiberglass particles- as they all cover their faces with their work shirts.

I hope they don't get a rash - or something and have to go to the doctor. I would guess there's no insurance coverage policy that would cover a work related incident like this.


Fargo Woman said...

I just called 911 and they're sending a car over there now.

Robin said...

You're missing a hot time in the hood tonight.... The scanner is smokin'.

abc said...

Your right this is B.S. - Kids working, they should be selling drugs.

proGun said...

The mwtmp and others who condone this work being done by children are racist/ elistist.

As a retired Union Carpenter this is an unhealthy and irresponsible work place.

This may seem like a simple enough job to pick up garbage and deposit in garbage can.
If a child grabbed a live wire or any of those really simple things that happen on any job site that injury and kills workers.
Well good old Rogers Park will be in the national spot light again.

Jobsites are a dangerous place to work at best.

There is no evidence of work place safety or any supervision.
That is a legal violation.
It is criminal activity to use childern to do site work.

Dan L said...

So Fargo Woman:

What did the police do when they got there? Did they take immediate action and take the children into protective custody while simultaneously arresting the parents for child endangerment laws? Or, did they violate the well founded legal conclusions of a 911 operator and some person who spends time on teh tubez?

Better luck next time. There's a lemonade stand on Jonquil and Paulina sometimes. You'd better call 5-0!

Fargo Woman said...

Dan, I just called the 24th District to get a followup on that 911 call I made yesterday. Turns out they filed a report for criminal tresspass. The officer I spoke to said that was all the information he has. I asked what might have happened to the children. He said that information was not there but he was inclined to believe that if they were present when the police arrived they were probably told to leave. If any adults had been present he felt they would have been given a warning but most likely not ticketed or arrested this time around.


Dan L said...

Criminal trespass?



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