Monday, June 23, 2008

* Neighbors Say "No" to Aronson's RT-4 Zoning Proposal

After last years very questionable, razor-thin aldermanic victory - after outspending his opponent nearly 10 to 1 - then barely garnering 4000 votes in a neighborhood with over 55,000 residents, Joe Moore public approval rating is plummeting at a drastic rate. I'm told there's flyer's of this nature (and more) floating around the neighborhood too. Doing my part. Just by posting this story is like slipping 1500 flyer's under the 1500 neighbors doors for them to read when they wake up and have their coffee. In return, then they pass the information on to neighbors without internet - and so on. More here on this matter.


Hugh said...

my best advice for the neighbors is to save the flyering and try to pull together $20K or so, try and outbid Aronson for Moore's vote

Clark St. said...

Aldermanic integrity & Joe Moore?
That's what's known as a contradiction in terms!

Anonymous said...

What drives me crazy about this good for nothing Alderboy, is that he opening does not care for the people in his ward. I met him not long ago before I left Rogers Park and moved to Virginia. Right before the 49th election, and I was surprised at how much interest he took in me right up until he learned I was not voting for him. I watched as his interest changed to distaste and he stopped our conversation instantly. He just ignored me and tried to go about his campaign business.
Up until this point we had a good conversation going concerning ward issues, but as I said, once the beans were spilled that I was not voting for him, the conversation was over. I asked Moore why the cold shoulder all of a sudden? He replied that he had more important things to do then stand there and listen to me when I was clearly not interested in his campaign. I told him I was more then interested, I was a resident in the 49th ward, and I cared about the election regardless of the winner. Yet he walked away from me and ignored me once again. I told Moore, that was not very nice, and all I wanted was to talk to him about his views and why he felt the ward was having difficult times. He shrugged towards me and said ask Gordan since your voting for him. The funny part was, I never told him who I was voting for and at this point Gordan was not the only one running against Moore.
I could not believe that my vote was not worth his time to try to sway. Much like how he runs the 49th ward, if you are not worth his time, he just ignores you.
I later saw Moore outside a Dunken Donuts shop with his wife handing out flyers again. I said hello, and he took a few seconds to realize who I was and he just stared right past me. I asked again, "What does my vote not count to you enough to try to sway me to vote for you Joe?" His wife said we don't care to deal with those that are blind and stupid when it comes to common sense about the 49th ward.
Ok so I was insulted, fine by me. But the fact that my vote was not worth it to even act nice was pissing me off. I stood there for a few minutes and kept asking, why Joe felt the ward was having troubles, and what he felt needed to be done? Once again he ignored me. So I stood there and told people as they came to the shop that this was how Joe handled people in his ward that did not agree with his views, he ignores them. Rather then work with them, be more open, and try to work together, Joe just ignores them and hopes they will go away. People kept asking Joe what his views were, and he just stared at them while I was there watching.

Any man that plays his own game in a political office is someone I can not stand. If your going to be a corrupt offical, at least stand up and act the part.
The last comment I made before I left Joe and his wife that morning, "Well at least I know one way to get back into your good graces, Donate a lot of money to your campaign, maybe then you will stop ignoring me, maybe then you will bend a few rules and help me out just like you help out all your friends that pay for your influence. Keep up the great work Moore, your doing a Hell of a job.

Robert Orstadius

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