Monday, June 23, 2008

* The Morse Avenue Gravel Pit

Like Crop Circles, No One Knows Where the Gravel Comes From

Like finding out where Joe Moore stands on all the recent murders in Rogers Park -- the Morse Avenue Streetscape remains a mystery to the general public too.

Here we have a pile of gravel that's been like this for at least a week. Is Morse Avenue going to turn into one giant gravel pit? Where's the powers-that-be? What the fuck is going on with the Morse Avenue Streetscape project?

Blognotes: More Morse Avenue Retail Gravel Spots.

Timeline of the Joe Moore - Morse Avenue Streetscape Broken Promises:

September 2007

September 2007 - 1

July 2007

August 2006

November 2005


Craig Gernhardt said...

May 2, 2008. A neighbor knows more than Joe More will tell us.

Craig Gernhardt said...

On January 9th, 2008, Joe Moore went on CAN-TV and blamed the EPA for delaying the Morse Avenue Streetscape three years.

The North Coast said...

If there's anything that makes me blow my stack, it's somebody who makes fantastic promises, but can't deliver on the basics, and, worse, who acts like s/he's really making a gift to you by grudgingly delivering a fraction of what was promised.

You know.... the woman you lent money to who claims she'll pay it all back next month with interest, but 4 months later, hasn't given you a dollar and is ducking your desperate phone calls, and when she finally makes a tiny payment, acts like she is doing you a huge favor that cost her great pain, and isn't she nice for making such an effort for YOU?

The promised streetscape is great, which it ought to be for the money it is supposed to cost, but honestly, how are we to believe it will ever materialize when JoMo can't even get the damn gravel mountain removed?

Don't promise me anything, just fucking DO one little thing for the good, and do it without acting like it makes you another Jonas Salk, that you did this one little bitty thing. That's another irksome trait of Moore's- acting as though he's a great hero for coming through with one action , which is usually an empty gesture... like voting against the LaSalle TIF , but ONLY after dozens of us emailed him demanding he do this much. He never stood up in the council and tried to make a case against it, and could pretty well figure that, given his complaisance and passivity, that it was pretty much a done deal by the time it went to council vote, yet he has the mollyfogging effrontery to act like a big hero because of this one tiny, worthless gesture.

Do SOMETHING worthwhile, Joe, and something REAL, not just some dumb, wasted gesture. And don't walk around acting like you are some superhero for having done it. It's just your job.

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