Tuesday, July 1, 2008

* Gale Community Center District Representatives Kept in Dark

How can this be? The two elected officials in the Gale Community Center district knew nothing of the latest Joe Moore hijacking.
Toni said...> "Last week when I contacted Representative Julie Hamos office, she had absolutely no knowledge of the latest detour. She had not been informed of the secretive planning to turn the public building she supported into a new home for a boys and girls club. Absolutely no idea.

Neither did her counterpart, Senator Jeffrey Schoenberg.

At least it wasn’t just the immediate neighborhood that has waited for over a decade that was excluded.

Representative Hamos who advocated for this community center for this specific neighborhood was excluded. Hamos attended the September, 2007 input meeting while Moore et al were nowhere to be seen."
According to Toni's findings, Joe Moore not only kept his constituents in the dark about his top secret deal - Joe Moore also kept the publicly elected officials who represent the district in the dark about his top secret deal too. Not too transparent if you ask me.

If Joe Moore didn't keep them in the dark and they're lying to Toni, the only other logical explanation I could come up with is these two public officials don't really care about this portion of their district.


been there said...

at this point there is one entity that is in charge of this park and that is the chicago park district. period. it is not julie hamos or jeff schoenberg's job to do anything more than try to swing a little money in there, and that has been done. people may be taking victory laps here, as they are perfectly entitled to do. but that does not make it their job to know what is on the punch list. that is tim mitchell's job.
you guys try to make it sound like no one has had input. there has been plenty of input. but cpd is under no obligation to decide to do what this small group of neighbors would like to do.
we have this thing called government, ya know, where people really put their actual asses on the line. to be fired, sued, or promoted. to get a paycheck. because they went to college, and learned how to do this job. you can dislike them all you want. but it is their job. not yours.
once again you manufacture a pile of outrage over NOTHING. over a complete distortion of the process.
and again, it was my understanding that cpd decertified the council due to failure to follow the process, anyway. they had plenty of input. if they chose to waste their time bashing the alderman instead of coming out with a good plan, they loose.
but that time is over. get it? over.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Mo said...> "people may be taking victory laps here, as they are perfectly entitled to do."

Taking vIctory laps. Now that's funny.

Toni said...

If we are 'decertified' then why did Joe meet with us about the proposed PD rules that would require criminal background checks and tinkle tests for people not interfacing with kids at 7PM meetings?

Weeks later - why did Joe meet with us on the re-naming process?

And, why, if we are 'nothing' did Joe set up a meeting with Mitchell?

been there said...

boy, you are damned if you do and damned if you don't around here.
look, it is my understanding that cpd has rules about who is an official advisory council. things like number of participants, adherence to open meetings laws, as well as other roberts' rules type stuff, etc. the park district just cannot make plans and policy based on the input of a handful of pissed off people who show up once or twice. (not saying this is you.) they need to know that people are going to be reliable, follow through on what they say, and all that.
i have to suspect that if your group was a certified pac you would have just said so. willing to be shown wrong on that, but that is where i am.
joe continues to try to work with you, because that's the kind of guy he is. believe it or not.

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