Tuesday, July 1, 2008

* Gale Community Center Delayed. Again

Joe Moore Email Blast:
The Gale Community Center which was to be opened by July 1st, has been delayed. Once again. Park District Superintendent Tim Mitchell said, "the gymnasium floor is buckling in several places and will need to be repaired by the contractor before the Park District will accept delivery of the building."

The problem will delay the building opening for several weeks.
Place your bets. How many weeks is "several weeks?"


Fargo Woman said...

I take it then this relieves some of the pressure to make the decision on the Boys and Girls Club of America taking over the center? Will this allow the parks council to meet with all the other players and the rest of the community to hash out fair and reasonable decision? I wonder . . .


Craig Gernhardt said...

Joe Moore claims...> "In the meantime, the Park District continues to negotiate with the Boys and Girls Club of Chicago over a possible partnership with that renowned organization. If the agreement comes to pass, the Boys and Girls Clubs will operate out of the Gale Community Center and offer programming for both children and adults.

The Boys and Girls Clubs has examined the neighborhood needs assessment put together by Neighbors for a Healthy Rogers Park, as well as a wish-list of programs assembled by the North of Howard Parks Advisory Council. Those documents will help the Boys and Girls Club design programs that meet the needs and desires of the community.

I have also facilitated meetings with the Boys and Girls Clubs and leaders from the major community organizations in Rogers Park to keep the community leadership apprised of the Boys and Girls Clubs' potential plans for the Community Center, and to afford the community leaders an opportunity to share their input on the community's needs.

Finally, I plan to sponsor a community meeting with the Boys and Girls Club if they reach a tentative agreement with the Park District, so that they can explain their proposal, outline their plans for the center, and obtain community input and feedback.

I will continue to keep you posted on the status of the negotiations.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Joe Moore said he had unsolicited feedback on his B&G Club secret meetings. North of Howard residents set up a poll of their own.

Poll Results here.

It may not be 'scientific' but it does show/indicate the overwhelming sentiment of the neighborhood, unlike the bogus claim by the Alderman that 'calls' to his office show the opposite community sentiment! 

MadeInRogersPark said...

Who is r3sponsible for this construction?

been there said...

the park district.

Toni said...

Mo, the Park District is not in the construction business - literally anyway - they hire contractors. In this case the chosen one for this project was FHP and its myriad subcontractors.

The project was paid for by tax dollars and half a million from the Seabury Foundation. So that was one foundation contributing to a public building in good faith that the end result would be a public building.

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