Monday, June 30, 2008

* Assault on Freedom of the Press - The Video

Fellow Chicago Tribune "Best Neighborhood Blog" award winning citizen journalist Tom Mannis files his video report.

Here's the set-up: Highly trained first responders from the Police Department, Fire Department and Emergency Medical Service Paramedics all pull up on a 'man down' call at Jarvis and Greenview.

Using their finely honed skills, they search for the 'man down' in broad daylight. The search proved futile. With the completeness of failure to find the said man down' on the corner of Greenview and Jarvis, the first responders report their non-findings back to dispatch - and they drive away. (This is all public record if the public actually could get their hands on it.)

Tom Mannis makes the second 911 call to report the first responders missed the 'man down' the first time and asked if they can respond for a second time. Click the video to see what happens next.
A Perfect Cover Photo for the Chicago Journal

If you look back at the situation from this one photo, it's absolutely comical.

While EMS and the Police are worried about two photographers covering two 911 calls for a 'man down' - the 'man down' in question, gets up, walks over to the second cameraman and hams it up like some cartoon creature wanting a shot in the frame.

Clearly, in the background, you can see the EMS personal struggling to take my camera away from me as the officer turns his back on the assault on freedom of the press.


I heart the R.P. said...

Was Vinnie alright?
I'm so sorry to see this, for the two of you and more so for Vinnie. He is my friend, and a good man.

Unknown said...

I really think the drunk guy mugging for the camera is the best part of this.

Big Daddy said...

Is this scenario wasn't so pathetic it would be funny. What's the big deal about the firemen and policemen not seeing this drunken bustout? The missed him and somebody re-dialed 9-11 and they returned. Big deal. The guy was a drunken bum yesterday, today and will be so tommorrow. And why do you and this other character think it's OK to be rude and video or photograph someone as they do their job? Because they are employees of the city? You beef about the quality of police and fire services up in Rogers Park but what policeman in his right mind would want to work up there when they have people like you guys following them around taking their pictures? You guys act like a bunch of little girls, no offense intended to any little girls of course. Get a life. Please.

Unknown said...

Have you and Tom thought about wearing capes? It make make it easier for police and EMT personnel to identify you as super heroes.

vintagebird said...

Although you experienced some major violations of your rights, I'm so glad this was on tape and broadcast for people to see. Keep doing what you're doing! And, the only pathetic thing about the situation was the way the Police and EMTs handled it.

Dr Who said...

The major problem here is mannis looking for confrontation. Media?
Mannis is not the media, just a local goof. By the way, taping audio is against state law, even off a scanner.

billyjoe said...

Real reporters avoid becoming part of the story theyre supposed to be covering.

And I laugh at the "press" claim, as neither Mannis nor Gernhardt, based on their writing skills (or lack thereof) could get hired by even the lowest penny-shopper publication.

The two do manage to come off like a couple of ornery goofy women--the Lucy and Ethel of Rogers Park.

Jocelyn said...

I don't think the police or ems had any right to try and take the cameras. Why not just do their job and mind their business? What do they have to hide? It makes them look bad.

And to billyjoe, I doubt you are any expert on journalism. Blogging is a new frontier and Craig & Tom are treating it as such- like it or not- they are communicating information(some very important) and they report local news. You may not like their style, but so what.

Aethlos said...

yeah, who cares that they missed the drunk on the first drive through... i've slept on a few sidewalks and was glad to be left alone, but the ATTEMPT TO TAKE THE CAMERA is an OBSCENE VIOLATION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT. Oh, and Billy Joe - you MORON, Craig Gernhardt OWNS Gernhardt Publications, and has a weekly magazine that reaches SIXTY THOUSAND PEOPLE... 20,000 PRINTED per WEEK. So you're a retarded tool to suggest he's not a journalist. this whole this is disgusting. makes me sick

bluknight20 said...

If the 911 center(CFD)advised Ambulance 13 the man was down in front of the business, they should've gotten out of the ambulance & actually looked in front of the stores. I know both of these Paramedics & they're not well liked by the firefighters over at their station on Rosemont. However it seems most of CFD's Paramedics have a bad attitude about the job because this city treats their Paramedics like S*#t from those I know. I just hope someday they don't do this & it turns out to be a family member of someone on the job.

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