Thursday, July 3, 2008

* The Grifter Stops Joe Moore

Exclusive 'Broken Heart' Coverage

Priceless. Joe Moore gets cornered by the 'Grifter'. Either that, or a drug deal is going down?


Edgewater Crime Blotter said...

Haha! So what happened??

ms21 said...

That is the funniest picture I have ever seen.

Dan said...

Craig, I actually had the pleasure of stopping Alderman Joe during the Gay Pride Parade last Sunday and asked him what he intends to do about Morse Avenue. His response
in quite a snarky tone was "you obviously havnt seen it lately."

I said as a matter of fact I walk the street every damn day and it looks like hell. He told me "that I didnt know what I was talking about" and turned around and walked away from me!

It took everything I had not to throw my water in his face and tell him to wake the hell up!

ms21 said...

What happened?

Joe took the money he was supposed to use for the Morse Streetscape and gave it to the grifter to 'save' his dying child.

abc said...

guys a hack - how do we get him out of office?

Edgewater Crime Blotter said...

You should have thrown the water.

Hugh said...

Caption Contest!

Hugh said...

Joe: No, I don't have a dollar for you - unless you want to WORK for it. I need some posters ripped off light poles. Bring 'em in to my office, I'll pay a penny apiece. Get a move on and you might even be able to make a living wage.

MadeInRogersPark said...

This pic is a classic! I hope you send a copy to the Rogers Park Historical Society!
What bothers me is that frequently people comment on how to get him out of office....let us start the search for a viable candidate NOW that stands up repeatedly before the media and confronts nomoore on his record.

If no one is able to do that he will reign over this wonderful neighborhood until he dies.....unless of course Obama is elected and cool flip flop Jan runs for the Senate and nomoore runs for Congress
Cant you see him in COngress - what a disaster about to happen
and for those who forget or haven't read what I have posted in the past
no matter how Cool Jan Shakowsky wants you to think she is she is a big fake
she claims to be opposed to war ( when it suits her positions) but there exist numerous pictures of her at Rickover Naval Academy clearly supporting the militarization of public schools

I really work hard on controlling my emotions but I despise her for this act.
and nomoore thinks he is clever enough to take over her job

she is a big fake!

So back to the issue
start a campaign for the people......and TAKE BACK ROGERS PARK NOW!

Ryne said...

Interesting comment: "guys a hack - how do we get him out of office?"


I know joey lies & cheats his way in, but lets wake up! Don't vote for the cocksucker!

Bosworth said...

Ryne, easier said than done. He stuffs the mailboxes of Northpoint and Good News Partners buildings with propaganda scaring them. He tells them without him they will lose their homes and be out on the street. He has guaranteed their housing for the next 30 years. Unfortunately most of them believe him. After all, he gives them free turkeys at the holidays, and throws a picnic for them in the fall. Sometimes he even gives them free doughnuts! He leads them to believe all other people in the neighborhood are racists and want them out. But not Joe. He is their savior.

Madmom said...

hmmm...the more I think about it, him being a VERY junior Congressman with VERY little power on the hill might be a safe spot for him--perhaps he'd sponsor a bill banning foie gras nationally and make an even bigger ass of himself publically.

AND it would get him out of the city. hmmmm...

Jedierica said...

You have got to be kidding me that is the guy that has been going around asking for money for months with the opening line do you speak english?
I was stopped by him at 7am on the way to the Loyola el. This pic is proof that Joe is not caught up on the blogs or he would not have fallen for this scam

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