Friday, July 4, 2008

The "Broken Heart" Created This Monster

Craig's blog pre-dates Jim Ginderske's activism in Rogers Park, by almost a year. In fact, three summers ago Craig helped introduce Ginderske to the community, generously offering Ginderske some "guest blogger" slots. While our esteemed blogmaster is in Las Vegas, we take this opportunity to reach into the vault and dust off a blast from the past. My, how things have changed!

August 27, 2005

* Deep Hole on Albion

This gem of slipshod repair work can be found 160 feet west of Sheridan, on Albion Street. The City of Chicago Department of Transportation didn't bother to secure the iron plate, and as a result the cars force it away from the hole every time they go over it.

Of course the holes are growing because of the rocking plate, and eventually the entire section of street will fall into the sewer. I hope I'm not driving the car that proves this.

James Ginderske

Blogmaster notes: This pothole will kill basic street motorcycles, James. You need a trials bike. Not a road bike. Keep them feet on the pegs.


CNB said...

Pardon my French, but shouldn't the headline be "Asshole on Albion?"

Fargo Woman said...

Ah, pictures of JG BEFORE he sold his soul to the devil.

alisiamaria said...

There is a hole in the street on Birchwood/Wolcott, its been there for about 3 months. I sent an email to Ald Moore with pictures. Who else can I contact to get it repaired???

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs