Saturday, July 5, 2008

* I Qualified

Stop the presses. As you know, we're out in Vegas for the first round of the AMA National EnduroCross series. I decided to enter this year. And, you'll never guess what happened. I freaking qualified today for the main event in tonight's big show. That's right. I get to ride with the top riders in the world, under the lights - and in front of 6000 screaming fans. To tell you the truth, I even surprised myself today. Whoo-hoo.


a girl on albion said...


mcl said...

Good show, Craig! Now go for it all the way!

Fargo Woman said...

Go, Craig, GO! I sure hope someone there is going to tape it for us. We're with you in spirit, friend. Go, go, GO!!!


Craig Gernhardt said...

The day started with 190 riders vying for 36 spots in the main event. Phillip and I got two of the spots. I was the oldest competitor {Cough-cough} of the entire bunch.

By evening - and some 4 races later, I was zonked and finished 10th in the evening show support class. Phiilip place 11th in the Expert main event. The final race of the evening. Not bad, I guess.

I've got lot's of photos and video, still sorting them out. That'll give me something to do on the plane ride home.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Cycle News Coverage.

Nice to see Phillip get some major ink. He earned it. If my four races wasn't enough, Phillip rode two classes and tacked on 8 races.

Each race lasts about 16 minutes.

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