* Playboy CAPS Beat 2431 Facilitator Spreads False Information

2431 CAPS facilitator KEVIN O'NEIL, who also publishes the CTA Tattler, is busy slandering two local citizen journalists in Rogers Park. O'Neil, who is well known in the 49th Ward as a suck up to Alderman Joe Moore.... As a suck up to the local 49th Ward Democrats, O'Neil is probably following orders from overlords Moore and David Fagus....
....O'Neil is tight with these characters and may be trying to curry favor by slandering the citizen journalists. Another possibility is that Moore and/or Fagus told him to do so, and yet another possibility is that Kevin O'Neil is suffering from the early onset of dementia. Source.
Related: Westgard Calls O'Neil a "Emotionally Manipulative Snake...."
'Broken Heart' Past Blogs
Kevin's wife wears army boots. Literally. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.
it isn't slander if it is true.
just sayin'
Thanks Craig, I didn't know why CTA Tattler is always defending the wretched Red Line service on the Far North Side until now.
O'Neil being a Moore stooge explains a lot about the Tattler!
I do like the word "overlords".
I'll have to use it.
Quite amusing.
Classic been there:"But above all, I knew that being a full time mom, watching every day as these little ape-men turned into modern humans, was a worm’s eye view of human evolution and the core of what it means to be human. Although I was well aware of the low value placed on all this in the modern world, I also knew that there was a great deal of wisdom down this path, wisdom that I knew would inform my work. I often explain my decision by saying that there were no openings with Jane Goodall, watching chimpanzees, so I started my own little troop of primates. I did feel like an idiot, knowing that almost any gorilla can form a stable family, but few humans, myself included, can manage it. And when my son taught me that the first thing a new human needs is someone to fall in love with them, I felt that the comforts and stuff of modern life were worth very little."
Blah blah blah...
In the photo, Joe looks like a dog who's been denied his treat.
Who is this guy? Where did this take place and what were the circumstances? It appears as though the Police are blocking off the street. What gives?
This was a pre-election outdoor roll-call at Morse and Glenwood, CAPS 2431.
Citizen Kevin O'Neil gave a pep-talk to the officers while Joe Moore listens.
Yes, the street were blocked off while O'Neil addresses some 20 officers on their police duties.
You have got to be kiddin me! Please tell me that this is not true. What could he possibly have to say to the men and women in blue. What could he possibly know about what their "duties" are? It makes me want to transfer up there just to shut him down,lol.
Hell, I couldn't make this up if I lived in Hollywood and worked for network tv.
Joe Moore gives this guy official CAPS awards and issues him 'good community work' citations for this crap.
Notice how his neck sticks out so long. Any guesses how it got that way?
Reminds me of the time a beat facilitator approached me with a complaint about some Officers. Seems that he was walking his dog one day when he saw them writing some parking tickets. He told them that there was another place that he knew of where they could write tickets. He was miffed because they appparently did not respond to his comments. "Don't they know who I am, that I'm a beat faciltator" he boomed. My response was that they DID know that he was the beat facilitator but that it probably didn't mean anything to them nor should it mean anything to them. He was not, is not and never will be their boss. Now because he was a taxpaying citizen, I would not object to their doing as he asked, but because he thought he was going to push his own "perceived" weight around, I had no problem putting him in his place.
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