Welcome to Morse Avenue - where everyone can pee against any building they want. Any time. Any day. This public pisser was caught in action at Morse and Lakewood (CAPS beat 2431) early Friday evening - while a couple of children were riding their bikes.
Blognotes:Where's Sergeant Baranowski? Isn't this worth a ticket? Hey, DevCorp, bring out the power-washer. This corner needs it good.
This is going into your file.
Classic Rogers Park.
Thanks for the new screen saver.
What. The. F***.
This goes on in all the alleys that parallel Clark St.
I have also had to chase away drunks that go into my gangway to piss against the wall of my house.
Joe Moore is a sick, sick man. So fascinated with these piss and shit stories, Joe prints these blog posts out and saves them along with all his meaningless city council resolutions.
I'd lock that guy up in a heartbeat. I hate that, especially when women and children are present.
Big Daddy...can you get your beat changed to the north of Howard area? I am sick of seeing this every day. When calling 911 to report this recently, she asked me if I really wanted to waste my time making a report...after all he was only peeing and the police probably wouldn't show up anyway!
Can someone put a picture of Joe Moore (less), or Blow Moore, or whatever his name is on the wall as a target?? hehe,
(just hoping to make a better screensaver) :)
We could have used him when Morse Theatre was burning..
When young guys do that, it points to individual cluelessness.
When a guy his age does that, it points to a local societal breakdown.
I have called and complained about people peeing before along Morse. It is just so disgusting and revolting that there are no words!! What is wrong with people??? They definitely need to be arrested! I don't get it - why do they let the creeps just hang out on Morse Avenue?
It's just as disgusting in an alley, but at least the guy could ACT like it's a function meant to be private and stand behind the nearest dumpster (and no they should not go into gangways). But in the middle of the f*cking street?!? In the middle of the day?!? WTF? Wonder how many new condo sales this sight discouraged, if any?
Please stop taking pictures of my lover, thanks Craig, Tom.
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