Tuesday, August 12, 2008

* Seen Around Rogers Park

My metaphor of the day. Imagine the brown pile as Joe Moore. Then imagine of all those flies on top of the brown pile as Joe Moore supporters. I named that big one in the middle Anne Sullivan.

Related: Storefront Ambulance Chaser Caught Breaking the Law

New Evidence in the 'Poop Scoop Scofflaw' Case

More Dog Poop Scofflaw's in Rogers Park


Craig Gernhardt said...

More shitty news in Rogers Park. Shots were fired around midnight in the 7600 block of North Marshfield.

Unknown said...

That ugly fly looks a lot like that angry little wetgard guy.

MadeInRogersPark said...

This really ticks me off! I have a large dog and I always clean up and I always keep her on a leash. Not because she is out of control but because I would never want anyone to get hurt. It is people like this who own perfect dogs that don't need to be on leashes because they are so well trained that run up to my dog who because of her nature would love to bite the dogs face off. In the mean time I am holding my dog to the side ( she remains at perfect attention)and the other dogs owner is saying what's wrong, isn't your dog friendly! Of course my dog is friendly but you should have your dog on a leash. It is the law. I is ok. One day one of these perfectly trained dogs will charge out in to the middle of traffic and the owner will blame the driver. A perfect case for this kind of lawyer!

Toni said...

SO I did hear gunshots last night.

Bosworth said...

Gunshots are happening more frequently in the Jonquil Terrace-Bosworth/Ashland/Marshfield/Paulina area, yet large crowds are allowed to gather on these street corners every night. Last night as Gale Park was closing, there was a group of at least 25 to 30 people leaving the park heading down Jonquil Terrace toward Bosworth. At least 6 to 8 of them were well under the age of 16. Where is the curfew enforcement?

At the meeting in the spring to meet the new commander, he promised to address quality of life issues. If that has happened this summer, I haven't noticed any change.

Tom Mannis said...

You are one sick fucker - what's with the shit fetish?
Can't get enough - stick your head in the toilet if you can't, look, and then flush, you'd be doing the world a favor

I heart the R.P. said...

I'm with Tom on this one. You do so much good for the community, Craig but stop with the picture of poo already, will ya?

Unknown said...

This shot is pic of what?
A. Dog Shit
B. Human Shit
C. A Joe Moore staff meeting

Tom Mannis said...

It's a picture of Craig

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