Tuesday, August 5, 2008

* Shots Fired Near Gale Elementary School

Monday - 12:20 AM: Two shots were fired at 7659 North Marshfield yesterday morning after a large crowd had started arguing. One person was taken to St. Francis hospital in Evanston.


Razldazlrr said...

Do I feel safe? No - ever since it has heated up outside the creeps have come up from under the sidewalk. Where were all these scumbags in the winter?

Craig Gernhardt said...

I write about Joe Moore's lies and the community goes nuts. I write about crime in the neighborhood and no one gives a shit.

The North Coast said...

Craig, it's not that people don't give a shit about crime.

In fact, it's the number one issue around here.

But there is a profound sense of futility and hopelessness surrounding the whole thing. It's as though it's pointless to even discuss it, because as long as this area is the Designated Dumping Ground for all the city's worst social problems, we are going to have an elevated crime profile.

And as long as Moore is our AlderCrud, we are going to be the Designated Dumping Ground.

Bosworth said...

I think the blatancy and frequency of crime has frustrated and overwhelmed most people, especially north of Howard. It's a daily occurrence to see people smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol openly. Dice games and card games for money happen on the sidewalks and in Gale Park daily. You can walk Howard Street and the surrounding streets and see prostitution, drug sales, and drug use every day. Littering, loitering, and general rowdiness are rampant. Now gun shots are more frequent.
Often cars are parked illegally at fire hydrants, at yellow curbs by stop signs and in tow zone areas without getting ticketed or towed. Abandoned cars with expired license plates and city stickers sit on the streets for weeks and months at a time, often without a ticket for the violation. Call 311 to report the violation and the car sits for a few more weeks.
Today is street sweeping day. The street sweeper just went down the street, and had to work around 3 cars parked illegally, none of them with a ticket for the violation.
Sometimes when calling 911 to report any of these infractions, you are met with an operator resistant to take your call. When they do take your information, you may not see a police car for hours because your call is a lower priority. Some people may feel defeated and figure why bother, it's not going to change anyway.

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