Friday, September 19, 2008

Two Females Fighting at Sullivan High School

2:51 PM: Just as school is letting out, two young females are battling it out at the front door to Sullivan High School. Police are rushing to the scene.

2:59 PM: A large group fight has broken out at Bosworth and Pratt. Multiple police are on scene trying to break up the melee between the students of Sullivan Fight School.

3:01 PM: Police are radioing in saying "it's out of control" at Pratt and Bosworth. The Sullivan Fight School students are really brawling up a storm. Police are losing the battle to control law and order.

3:32 PM: Police again are out-manned with a large teen fight between Lunt and Greenleaf on Greenview. At the same time one officer is calling for backup because he's got a 10 year old who's fighting with the police. The police are admitting over the radio they're undermanned.

3:37 PM: All hells breaking loose at Lunt and Ashland. The Sullivan Fight School students are brawling in the streets. One officer said these fights could go on all night and he's tired of baby-sitting.

4:06 PM: Large group of teens fighting at Pratt and Ashland.

4:13 PM: Mom calling police. Her boy was beat up.


billyjoe said...

Two Af-Am females fighting?

Someone call the National Guard!

Craig Gernhardt said...

===Someone call the National Guard!===

If you ask the citizens who live around here, that wouldn't be a bad idea.

Man On The Street said...

September 19 - Fighting at Sullivan HS

Sept. 18 - Fighting at Sullivan HS

Sept. 11 - Fighting at Sullivan HS

Sept. 10 - Fighting at Sullivan HS

Sept. 8 - Fighting at Sullivan HS

I'm beginning to see a pattern developing here...

Craig Gernhardt said...


Razldazlrr said...

these must be some of the really nice kids that come from Joe Moore's "affordable housing" projects

Jocelyn said...

It's really very sad. Imagine the good kids, just trying to get an education of some sort in the middle of all this.

Unknown said...
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MadeInRogersPark said...

Well it sounds like there is a problem.....has anyone asked the Principal and faculty o sit down and talk about solutions? Come on people, this is our community. This is our home. There is a solution. What about staggered dismissal times? What about dismissing student out of more doors? Less doors? What about a meeting with students and parents and faculty to find out what the problems are? Are these all students fighting? Are there outsiders involved? Who are they?
More police patrol that will take action against offenders? It is interesting how commenters keep replying to race of stgudents. I honestly don't think that is the issue. Remember why we live in Rogers Park. We are one of the most diverse communities in the nation. This includes diversity by race, income, education, and circulation of the local Public Library, not to mention our blogging capabilities. Let us join together and talk with the principal and staff and students and parents and find a solution. Life is too short! Didn' I hear somewhere if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Maybe that is an Algebra problem.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

I remember that day. Things were already going crazy during school with the huge fights. At about 11am that day, there was some kind of large food fight in the cafeteria. Some kids were even fighting in the hallways. It wasn't too crazy, but it was still a bit rowdy. I guess they waited for school to finish before they decided "hey, let's make all hell brake loose".

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