Saturday, September 20, 2008

Neighbor Explains How De-Policing Works

Here's a first hand account of what when down yesterday with the Sullivan Fight School students. Pay attention as our neighbor explains how de-policing works in the 24th district.
This afternoon I was sitting in my office downstairs from our apartment when I noticed the yelling volume outside had gone up significantly to a low roar. I looked out the window and saw that the number of kids walking home from nearby Sullivan high school had grown to a critical mass. Either something had already happened or was about to.

I walked out the front door and saw that one of Charletta’s big plastic planters was broken, dirt and plants spilled out on the ground. On the corner of Pratt and Bosworth, 30 or 40 kids were milling around.

One squad car (car number 9602) was there, but the officer was still sitting in his car, smoking a cigarette.

As I walked toward the corner I watched a swirl of motion erupted as four or five kids took swings with their legs and fists at a sixth boy. As I continued walking toward the corner, the officer sitting in his car did nothing but sit and smoke his cigarette. By now the victim of the attack was on the ground as the other kids took turns kicking him. As I got closer, the officer began to back his car up, almost running over the kid on the ground. Then as soon as it had begun, it ended. The kid on the ground was apparently not hurt too badly as he was also quickly away from the scene. After it was clear that the violence was over, the officer finally got out of his car.
Finish reading police officer scared to leave his car because of his gun.


RP Free Speech said...

This situation at Sullivan and other schools across Chicago impacts every resident of every neighborhood. There is so much talk about CHANGE, yet no one takes the initiative to change.

Perhaps the schools need a video camera at each entance/exit. Those seen involved in fights such as these would then receive detention the following day. Or, a "staggered" dismissal time could be implemented.

It's time for CPS to leave behind its antiquated ways and join the 21st century. These children are supposed to be "our future", but no one seems to give a rat's bum on how to get them there.

The same goes for CPD. It is almost 2009, and the upper echelon does not allow its officers to handle situations in the manner required. CPD tends to be a "political" organization--egos rule to the detriment of citizens' welfare.

I'm not asking for a "perfect world", but could our leaders get off their Dunkin Donuts-laden butts and for once, CHANGE THE LAWS to benefit society, and not just line their pockets.

Grammar Gal

John said...

I read the longer article you linked to. It accuses the officer of racism. The fact is these young urban thugs have no respect, zero, for the police. I've seen youtube videos taken in chicago showing groups of young thugs taunting the police etc.. So what's this one cop supposed to do, take out his night stick, he'd have to use it, pull out his gun, many of those kids would laugh at that, with a good chance that he might get gooned if he's unwilling to hit or shoot. Then these budding rocket scientists edit their video clips and get their baby daddies to sue. The headline then would read "cop kills/beats kid" I'm not being sarcastic, this is how it is. Too many of us wind up like that fool whose article you linked to. Never putting the blame where it belongs. Irresponsible parenting and secondly irresponsible leadership by the communitys peer structure (community activists, the phony reverends.)that sets the background. Instead the cop played it safe he watched the situation, it was contained within the peer group, and it ended.

Razldazlrr said...

john - great points - I am amazed at the lack of respect exhibited by these kids - it's too bad the ACLU and the ambulance chasing lawyers make these kids look like innocents and the cops the bad guys.

Dan L said...

One officer v. 30 thugs.

Daley, corruption to blame.

Jocelyn said...

The author also seems to suggest he himself should have intervened, which I think would be a very bad idea. We are talking about violent teenagers and unruly ones at that --prone to mob behavior. Not a good mix to throw oneself into.

anomadic.1 said...

The funny part about this all is that what usually happens is that the victim will refuse a report and medical attention, so why should the Officer waste his or her time?

sandy said...

Just like they choose not to do anything about the big money companies that are the real cause of dangerous air polution that kills thousands everyday, they also choose not to do anything about the gun carring murderous gang bangers in your community. Until these crimes reach "THEIR" front doors, they will just keep dilly dalling through out the day drawing big paychecks and passing more laws that they don't enforce. Well it's going to be a beautiful day today. I think I will forget about all the crime and murders in my community and go pick up some cigarette butts along the beach.It seems to work for our Politicians

Big Daddy said...

Craig, I don't think it's so much a thing of this officer being afraid, I think it's more that he realizes that he's in a no win situation. He already knows that if he exits his car he's then in the middle of a crowd of thugs all by his lonesome, at least until help arrives. In the meantime if he's forced to shoot one of them or use what will undoubtedly be considered excessive force by some, he will lose his job and possibly go to jail. He already knows that the mayor and the new superintendent will not support him so he probably took the easiest course of action. That is to sit in the car until help gets there. Sad that in todays climate, he may have felt that that was his best choice.

darabbit said...

Excuses , excuses, blah blah 1 cop vs 30 thugs.....???? What happen to back up? So he was alone , so WHAT. He still has a job to do! Unbelievable that the bloggers think this was OK. Let this have been one of their relatives or children...Then it's "OMGah why did the officer just sit there?" But since it was as one blogger stated " young urban thug" ( which we can read between the lines)then its " Well what was one officer to do?" Guess what , I have an answer " HE IS REQUIRED TO DO HIS JOB" regardless he/she is paid by us to do a job. If they continue to sit back and not be held accountable, we are in BIG trouble in Rogers Park. This child could have lost their life and all the officer did is smoke his cig and watched the show...Unbelievable! Let that have been my child, we would be in court :) Accountability runs both

Bosworth said...

Let that have been my child, we would be in court....

This is the very reason we are told at CAPS meetings the police aren't aggressive with crime on the streets. They say they are afraid they will get sued and lose their homes.

darabbit said...

COPS NOT AGGRESSIVE??? Where do you live??? I have seen young minorities get beat down FOR ABSOLUTELY nothing! I use to live in UptowN and ACTUALLY SEEN and has been videotaped by a member of the community, a young black male get beat down as he was crossing the street. And because he was not walking FAST enough for the officer waiting to leave the STOP sign, the Officer ( which was a very known aggressive officer,) beat him down right on the side of the squad car. Please don't give me this whining crap. You knew what kind of neighborhood you were moving in to. What? Now that the great WHITE HOPE moves in now everything has got to change to your liking. Hmmmm. Yes we would have been in court because the officer witnessed this child get beat down and as the author of the article indicated, since this was black on black Crime, its allowed or tolerated. But let that been a yuppie there would have been a SWAT team there. Take ofF your blinders and wake up! Now do I tolerate this in my neighborhood, of course not! But if a gang of kids are hanging in front of the corner store or corner coffee shop, the owners needs to have some b***s to handle the situation etc. Whine on !! If cops are worried about losing there homes and jobs they need to seek another profession or DO THEIR JOBS properly without BIAS and there would be no need for court! Do you really think I would NOT hold the officer accountable for something he was very much a part of? If your child, neice, nephew etc was in this situation and a cop just sat there and watched, YOU WOULD DO NOTHING TO HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE? I find that hard to believe. It's not the situation that he ASSISTED this child and would be taken to court.... And as another blogger ANOMADIC1 indicated, that they probably would not want to amke a report or medical attn, well that's fine and their choice but it is still the suty of the officer to serve and PROTECT!! Or is that just for CERTAIN perople in the neighborhood...Hmm let's ponder that!Hmmm what is our world coming to?

Bosworth said...

darabbit....those were the words of the police....not mine.

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