Tuesday, October 14, 2008

In Cased You Missed This

Seen and heard around Rogers Park.

Caribbean American Bakery Collapses.

Brettly Kawaguchi, Lying Cowardly Bastard.


And finally....

This defaced, gang-tagged, Obama campaign sign sits in front of 1431 West Fargo. It makes me wonder if anyone really lives there. If someone did, I'm sure they would've noticed this gang tag? The neighbors who are laughing their asses off at the fool who owns this house did.


Scott said...

It turns out that the alleged car jacking last week outside of Jordan Middle school did in fact happen.
However, in speaking to an officer today, the offender was caught, in Michigan!

billyjoe said...

Yes, did you realize that this "tagged" Obama sign is now posted at the top of the Drudge Report Web site, along with many links to the voter fraud being perpetrated by ACORN?

(Just kidding!)

It's apparent that the rightwingnuts are getting ready for some post-election revisionism: That Obama won because of "voter fraud."

I prefer this version: Obama won regardless of the thousands of Republicans who show up at polling places on Nov. 4 trying to contest the legitimacy of the groundswell of young Democratic voters eager to bury the "conservative era" once and for all.

Sassy said...

I agree with you regarding the revisionism, BillyJoe! On the other hand, I am not happy with these cases of "Jimmy John" (a la the sandwich shop) being registered to vote. When you win something, you want to win it fair and square and I, for one, want to feel that my vote really mattered even though I suspect that my precinct in Uptown will go overwhelmingly for Obama.

Just because the other guys got away with cheating before doesn't mean that it is ok for you to do it too. (i.e., Gore really did have the votes in Florida.) You know that is my interminable gripe with my fellow liberal leaning northsiders and why I remain a constant critic when, at heart, we share a similar perspective on the world.

Chip Bagg said...

That is NOT a tag. It is part of the sign's design.

Man On The Street said...

1) Man, the Carribbean bakery is no more??? Shit, now how will I get my meat pie fix?

2) I don't think that's a gang take on the sign, just the tag of a graffiti "artist". If it is a gang tag, then what gang is it?

billyjoe said...


Please go here to get the background on the ACORN kerfuffle that's currently getting top play on FAUX News and Drudge.


The truth: The accusations are a wash, a smokescreen.

Ray said...

The Republicans have already accepted defeat and need to detract from the real fact that it was only because of their candidate that they lost. ACORN and Community Organizers have been their target since June. This was there plan all along. Acorn, along with all voter registration outfits, always has a large number of registration forms that are clearly bogus. Federal Law requires that any form filled out and signed, must be turned in, real or not. If they would have held these forms that they knew were bogus, the story from conservatives would be that ACORN disenfranchises voters.

Hillari said...

I hope the bakery can recover from that mishap! They sell some good food down there.

Razldazlrr said...

As a small business owner and Republican - I certainly do not see defeat. I would never trust anything on the Drudge or Huffington, they are far, far, far left liberal sites with only one viewpoint. The investigation of Acorn is very legitimate - they have people that have registered over 50 times, thousands of fictitous names, etc - if your candidate wins - don't you want it to be fair?

billyjoe said...

Drudge a "far far far left liberal site?"

And Arianna Huffington was a Republican commentator (and wife of a former Republican candidate for California governor). That was until she got totally grossed out by the Republican party under Bush.

Razldazlrr, you must have your head way up your ass. But then again, you do cop to being a Republican, so it's understandable.

As for ACORN, you can sign up to vote (or sign people up to vote) as many times as you want. But when it comes time to cast your ballot (or even verify your eligibility) you only get one chance.

If you really wanted to be informed, you would at least read the Huff Post link I posted. But like most of the mindless troglodyte lemmings hypnotized by shrewd and sleazy Republican operatives and Sarah Palin, you choose to remain willfully ignorant of the facts.

This entire ACORN business is an attempt to frame Obama's election as U.S. President as a fraud. The Repubs are lucky to have a seemingly endless supply of rubes like you they can mentally manipulate.

Craig Gernhardt said...

And the Dems are lucky to have a seemingly endless supply of rubes like Mo Cahill they can mentally manipulate.

Isn't politics grand.

Man On The Street said...

I hope the bakery can recover from that mishap! They sell some good food down there.

Did you see the front of the building? Look at the photos. It's going to take a lot of meat pies and pinapple cake to fix that.

Man On The Street said...

I take back what I said. He's planning on rebuilding. Guess he HAS sold a lot of meat pies...

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

Trust me, billyjoe knows a rube when he sees one. Irony much, bj?

RPR said...

Thats actually a grafitti artists name, very far from a gang tag ladies and gentlemen

Razldazlrr said...

billyjoe - I have watched your posts and realize you have very little to offer but insults - did I personally say anything rude to you? No - I think your post illustrates a great deal about your character. You can say anything you want back to me - I have no interest in further interaction with you.

2good4u2 said...

Looks like taggers or is Joe trying to find some city hall money to fund some tagger art for his not lived in residence?

As for the election, the
conseri-nazis have screwed up this country, i welcome the liberals for now.

billyjoe said...

"billyjoe - I have watched your posts and realize you have very little to offer but insults - did I personally say anything rude to you? No - I think your post illustrates a great deal about your character. You can say anything you want back to me - I have no interest in further interaction with you."

In other words, you won't admit what an ill-informed idiot you are. Fine with me.

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