Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Latin Kings Rumble on Clark

3:00 PM: There's been a rather large gang fight at Clark and North Shore. Word on the street is the Latin Kings are involved. No word if weapons are involved. Police are aware and monitoring the situation very closely. Flare-ups are likely.


billyjoe said...

I'd love to see a community meeting with reps from the school, from the kids, from the police, from the various social orgs. in RP to talk about what is happening and what is needed. Invite citizens interested in WORKING on this (not just talking about it). There is a lot of talent and a lot of people who care and will work to do something in RP.

proGun said...

Yes and currently they are meeting at North Shore and Clark to discuss their plans.

rogers park guy said...

I heard the meeting went so well that the police got involved

I heart the R.P. said...

I think they call them CAPS meetings:D
When is the next one?

I heart the R.P. said...

What happened with the Boubacar Bah sentencing?

sandy said...

Even with the issues that we have in Rogers Park, it's still not as bad as several other communities in Chicago. The tragedy that happened to Jennifer Hudson's family last week was a reminder to us all that the laws have to be changed. Where is Unckle Jessie and Unckle Al? Why haven't they been on TV or plastered all over the front page of all the news paper supporting the Hudson family? Why aren't they walking the streets talking their shit and insisting that justice be done?

Anonymous said...

Does Latin king have anything to say about this?

rogers park guy said...

Jesse jackson and al sharpton are preparing their speeches for when obama is elected to be the next president. Remember they only come out when they know they going to get a lot of publicity and the killer was a black male if it was a white male then it would had been a different story. As for latin king he was involve in the fight so he's in jail depending when he bails out hell leave a comment or two lol

CommonSense said...

Isn't this essentially across the street from the Police Station? Unreal.

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that I was part of this "rumble" earlier today. We run Clark to Ashland from Devon to Pratt. Kings run it !

Save Street End Beaches said...

Try a little self-reflection latinking. Compare your testosterone-fueled behavior to that of wolves or dogs. Their pack mentality is based on instinct and not cognitive awareness. Why behave like an animal when you have an intellect?

billyjoe said...

sandy bellowed...
"Where is Unckle Jessie and Unckle Al? Why haven't they been on TV or plastered all over the front page of all the news paper supporting the Hudson family? Why aren't they walking the streets talking their shit and insisting that justice be done?"

Because they'd still be criticized for grandstanding by morons like you Sandy.

What the fuck is this weird default with some people (sandy and rogers park guy geek as well) to constantly bemoan the existence of Al and Jesse, as if these guys are personally insulting them or making their lives miserable? Gimme a break. Most people are not so emotionally and socially retarded to the point of being constantly perturbed about whatever Jesse or Al is doing today. Yeesh--it's almost as if them not showing up is denying you losers your self-entitled right to bitch about them.

I live here too said...

Sandy said,

The tragedy that happened to Jennifer Hudson's family last week was a reminder to us all that the laws have to be changed.

I must say that this is an unspeakable tragedy and my heart and prayers go out to the Hudson family.

What laws need to be changed?
The A-hole that did this "domestic violence" was a repeat violent offender that in any decent system would STILL HAVE BEEN IN JAIL for his PREVIOUS CONVICTIONS and parole violations.
It's not the laws that need to change, its the crook county "justice" system.

Charlie Didrickson said...

Latinking makes my day.


rogers park guy said...

billyjoe you have a big mouth for someone that loves to run their mouth in the internet. you should mine as well join the latin kings and join there gang. by the way everything i be writting about i be sarcastic except when i be writting about how cowards the gangs are. latin king im guessing that u wasnt big part of the fight or else you wouldnt be had been writting here.

Man On The Street said...

I would like to say that I was part of this "rumble" earlier today. We run Clark to Ashland from Devon to Pratt. Kings run it !

Great. We're happy for you. I'm sure this Latin king thing will provide a lucrative and fulfilling career when you're 30... 40... 50... Yeah, "running" a street will mean a lot when your 45 years old and trying to raise a kid, work a job and put food on the table. ASo how much does standing on a street corner all day "running it" pay these days? Does it come with a good health plan, because I went for a simple check up the other day and it was over $300.

Let us know when you wake the fuck up and realize how pointless all of this gangbangin', "running it" shit is.

Man On The Street said...

What the fuck is this weird default with some people (sandy and rogers park guy geek as well) to constantly bemoan the existence of Al and Jesse, as if these guys are personally insulting them or making their lives miserable? Gimme a break.

Damn, I'm agreeing with billyjoe! But yeah, people bitch when Jesse and Al show up and then bitch wen they don't. WTF? Some people obsess about them far more than the black community, which for the most part couldn't care less what Jesse and Al says these days. Bringing up those two is tired and cliche.

BTW, jesse did comment on the Hudson case already and Al is doing some election stuff and thinking about appearing on Dancing With the Stars.

Al Dancing

So there's your Al and Jesse update. Feel better?

billyjoe said...

"Damn, I'm agreeing with billyjoe! But yeah, people bitch when Jesse and Al show up and then bitch wen they don't. WTF? Some people obsess about them far more than the black community, which for the most part couldn't care less what Jesse and Al says these days. Bringing up those two is tired and cliche."


Anonymous said...

Latin King: I have a chronic illness that without insurance, I would easily be paying $10,000+ per month. I am hoping that your stupid ass gangbang'ing shit has insurance and would cover one of you fucks if that ever happens to you.

You are a joke and your fucking gang is a joke. Get a job like the rest of us, and quit acting like a damn idiot! I pray to got that you have not impregnated a girl, because I am sick of my TAX dollars paying for your fucking kids!

Craig Gernhardt said...

That's one of the things that really bugs me about gang life. They offer no insurance policies to their members and I wind up paying the price in higher premiums for me and my employees.

Man On The Street said...

Maybe they have a 401lk plan ("lk" standing for Latin King of course)

Anonymous said...

I hear that, Craig and I am sick of it!

If you ask me, they are nothing but a bunch of cowards! They are to scared to deal with real life!

esdsdie said...

latinking, how old are you really? you make posts that sound like you're just some 13-year-old kid who wants to be a thug so badly, and yet you were probably grounded when this happened.

floss said...

latinking's response to the "How's Moore Doing" question asked on this blog last week...

"THUMBS Up" must be good.

on a side note...anyone else wait three hours to vote at Potawatami Thursday, to find that there were only six voting machines?

I live here too said...

Kung Fu,

There were basically no lines at Pott until Tuesday this week. Previous to this week, there was no waiting for the most part.
But as you say, there have been LONG lines today, and to a lesser degree yesterday, in part because there are only 6 machines.
The election board has always used the room that is being used now. They have installed communication lines to that room, and that room can be secured when voting is over for the day but the facility is still in use by the public.

floss said...

Makes perfect sense...has to be that room and I can see how they really can't fit more machines there..thanks for the clarification

NRAMember said...

Great. We're happy for you. I'm sure this Latin king thing will provide a lucrative and fulfilling career when you're 30... 40... 50... Yeah, "running" a street will mean a lot when your 45 years old and trying to raise a kid, work a job and put food on the table. ASo how much does standing on a street corner all day "running it" pay these days?


Man On The Street: I completely agree with you on this. Now if only Big Daddy can convince you to support the Second Amendment (the right to keep and bear arms).

Latin King: I grew up in the Ashland/Columbia area 40 years ago. Since I went to Lane Tech, got good grades, played sports, and worked part time during school and full time in the summer; I wasn't too familiar with the neighborhood clubs (gangs) at the time; but I know for a fact that none of the gangs paid wages, offered a pension plan (nowadays a 401K), had medical, dental, life, or disability insurance. Besides having a good job, there's another very important reason not to have a criminal record, concealed carry. I now live in a state that issues concealed carry permits to citizens without criminal records. I never leave home without my gun. In the last 20 years, I've only been confronted by gangbanger thugs three times; each time I brandished my gun and they saved their lives by running away. If I was still back in Chicago, I probably would have been robbed and gooned. Just keep in mind, that when you're in your 40s/50s you can't run and fight like when you were in your teens and 20s.

ms21 said...


what state do you live in the permits citizens to carry concealed weapons? hopefully not one with a gang problem like we have here.

i know you support the second amendment, but what do you think about the fact that the u.s. has more violent crimes and murders than any industrialized country?

Adelie said...


Tennessee is a conceal carry state. As a matter of fact, there are only two states that do not permit conceal carry: Illinois and Wisconsin. See

Growing up in my household in Tennessee, there were three firearms, one of which was a .38 revolver. Most of our neighbors possessed firearms. Not once was there a violent, firearm related crime committed in our neighborhood. Not even a suicide death by firearm.

We have a increasingly violent society because we allow it to happen. We were watching a show the other night that showed a video-taped crime in progress. It was two adult males, committing armed robbery, in front of their small children!

If you ever have the opportunity to watch "Gangland" on A & E (I think that's the station), I highly recommend doing so. Listen to these idiots talk. Their goal is to go out and commit ANY type of violent crime, with any weapon of their choosing. Even if guns somehow magically disappeared, they would commit violent crimes. Don't believe me? Spend some time in the United Kingdom.

We tolerate this crap. As a society, we say, "Oh, poor disenfranchised so-and-so, they only commit crimes because they feel so marginalized." Well, I call bullshit on that.

My cousin is a K9 officer in Nashville. He is constantly arresting the same assholes over and over and over. Eventually, one those assholes commits a murder. But because some groups think this segment of population can be "cured" with "tender loving care" and "understanding", we get to deal with their violent behavior, every frigging day!

Combine that with a police force that is constantly being accused of racism if they arrest a minority, and you've got yourself a big problem. The people in these violent neighborhoods have a decision to make: They are either on the bus, or off the bus. They can't condemn violence and then chastise the police when they are doing their job. They can't condemn violence, and then look the other way when they know "Little Johnny" is carrying a gun and dealing drugs. What they want is the easy money from drug sales, without the violence and death. Sadly, and what they refuse to acknowledge, is the two go together like "peas and carrots".

You want violent gang activity to stop? Then classify gangbangers as domestic terrorists and unlawful enemy combatants. Ship them off to Guantanamo Bay and I guarantee you, they won't view a prison stay as a means to advance up the gang heirarchy. Put them under a military tribunal and let them get a taste of that.

But you know what? That isn't going to happen, because we're a bunch of 'fraidy-cats who are too consumed with being "politically correct" and we freak out whenever the race card is pulled from the deck.

The first thing you need to change are is the judiciary. Those are the ones who pass the light sentences. The second thing you need to change is how we treat drug addicts and drug possession. Addicts commit crimes to support their habit. They should be "incarcerated" in a secure drug rehab center, where they are not turned loose after a mere 28 days. Drug rehabilitation takes way, way longer that.

This will free up prison space and will curtail the amount of violent prisoners who are paroled due to overcrowding.

Man On The Street said...

Now if only Big Daddy can convince you to support the Second Amendment (the right to keep and bear arms).

I never said I didn't support the Second Amendment. PLEASE show me where I said that. I said that it would be great if we could do away with all guns but I know that ain't gonna happen. I was calling for strict enforcement of existing gun laws, which ain't really happening either (Indiana, where many of the Chicago thugs get their guns, is a joke). So if you can tell me how we can get the guns out of the hands gangbangers, etc. and leave them in the hands of "law abiding citizens" (who also included the NIU shooter, unfortunately), let me know.

ms21 said...

Adelie -

I agree about the show Ganglands. I saw an episode last Sunday about the Latin Kings & Solidos in Hartford, Conn. They have or have had huge problems there.

I realize that life is different for everyone, and some are faced with challenges we don't understand or recognize. I just wish people here weren't so violent and angry all of the time - guns or no guns. A couple of months ago I was walking across Sheridan and I crossed in front of a guy walking his two pitbulls. I thought I was about 5 feet in front of the dogs (at least), but apparently that was too close for this guy. He absolutely blew up on me, cursing and yelling at me. He wanted to beat the crap out of me. He called me a faggot and some other things. I just ignored him and kept going my way. People are violent for what seems to be no reason at all and it's absolutely crazy.

Adelie said...


That is just terrible. I'm with you, I'm tired of the violence and the intimidation as well.

I'm a bit different, though. Fortunately, or unfortunately, when it comes to "fight or flight", I "fight".

Had that idiot done that to me, I would have stopped, turned around and said, "Go ahead, motherf**ker, kick my ass! I'll file criminal assault charges against your ass, file a civil claim against you AND if your stupid dogs bite me, I'll let animal control know, and they'll put 'em down! Go right the f**k ahead, it sounds like a deal to me!" Yes, I know. I've got a potty mouth.

About three years ago, some numbnuts were honking at me because the person in front of me, for whatever, was terrified of turning left. We've all been there, the impatient drivers, wailing on their horns. But this time, these guys were yelling at me in an attempt to intimidate me. Once I made the turn, they were aggressively on my tail. I slammed on the brakes, jumped out of my car and told them to "get the f**k out". They looked petrified and sped off. Why? Because I'm a 5'5" petite blonde girl who looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly! But, I'm also a by-product of the 1970's Memphis Public School system where you had to be tough.

For years women were told to "never fight back" against their attackers. However, later that was revised because it was discovered the perpertrators pick women who they think are weak because their whole trip is the illusion of having power over her. Once they discover the woman will fight back, it's too much trouble.

My philosophy is "Go where you want, die where you must." I'd rather die fighting back than a victim. As foolish as that may sound.

ms21 said...


Believe me, I thought about going back at the guy. But I was trying to take the fuse out of the sitution. I had no idea what the guy was so pissed off about. 9 of 10 times I'm going back to 'fight,' as you say, but I'm not about to go against 1 guy + 2 pitbulls. That is just scary.

And being a woman, it's good that you hold your ground. You're more likely to get a point across without it turning into something physical even with aggressive behavior.

Adelie said...

You're right, sometimes it is just better to walk away.

Truthfully, I think women probably can get away with it because, well, I believe people just think "My God. She's a raving lunatic." LOL!

I'm sure I come across as a knife-weilding psychopath, and that definitely works to my advantage.

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