Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Let There Be Light

If there was any way to get up there safely, I'd fix this damn bulb myself. This alley light at 1336 West Morse has been out of over 3 months. I've called 311. But that obviously didn't work. Last week, when I called 311 again.... that didn't even work. I got some automated voice telling me they were unable to handle my call.

Will we have to wait until a resident at Reside on Morse or a concert goer at the new Morse Theatre to gets mugged or robbed in this unlit alley before it gets fixed? Should I just give up, let it be dark and let the two new business owners on Morse worry about it?

Blognotes: Question of the day. Do you have a 311 issue that hasn't been fixed in a reasonable amount of time? Tell us about it.


billyjoe said...

I've got news for you Craig.

This is Morse Ave.

People will get mugged regardless of whether there is a light in the alley or not.

Celebrate Diversity!

Tom Mannis said...

Yes Craig, you should give up, Rogers Park would be a better place because of you giving up.

billyjoe said...

Tom: Craig's "Chicken-Little-the-Sky-Is-Falling" approach to neighborhood issues does leave a lot to be desired.

Many commenters who live on Bosworth question his constant "Sullivan High School Riots" posts.

So the argument goes that maybe RP would be better off without his constant sensationalistic posts.

floss said...

How many city workers does it take to change a light bulb?

One to fix it, and two to stand around and watch.

Lana said...

I called 311 several weeks ago about outdated fire extinguishers and a lack of carbon monoxide detectors in my apartment building. I was told they'd be sending an inspector out soon to check on these violations. I don't know if they have yet, but the fire extinguishers haven't been updated and i don't have my detector, so...

Unknown said...

Let there be darkness!

Craig Gernhardt said...

Nice to see Joe Moore's blog trolls have nothing to do today than bash Craig. Well done, boys. Keep up the good work.

Fargo Woman said...

Call Joe Moore's office or stop by his satellite office and post a request for the light to be replaced. It would be interesting to see what response you get. I must admit, when I lodged a complaint about the garbage and overgrown vegetation on two abandoned buildings here on Fargo, Mike Land did see to it that they were cleaned up. Unfortunately, since then the mess has returned but I'm hopeful about contacting the Alderman's office again.

When you do call 311, though, be sure to ask for a case or file number so you can refer to it if you have to call back. I've been told they should respond to your call within 48 to 72 hours and if they haven't then you should call again and reference the case number.

Note: After calling 311 about the buildings, I did call back two days later but I also called the Alderman's office so I don't know if or when the city would have responded. Mike Land spoke to the building owners the same day I called and one building was cleaned up late that afternoon.

Hey, you gotta give props where props are due and Mike definately stood up on this one.


I heart the R.P. said...

I've called 311 about 8 times in the last 3 yrs about the large orange wire protruding about 5 feet off the ground at an alley between Farwell and Morse, Ashland and Glenwood, I can't say off the top of my head the exact address. I gave up on it about a year ago.
You are one of the top 100 (23 was it?) PEOPLE WHO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I hope that answers your question about giving up :D

I heart the R.P. said...

The Ghetto-Birds are out again today. Just heard 'em overhead.

Patchwork said...

Keep up the good work, Craig.

floss said...

It is far easier to for a Moore supporter to trash Craig,
than it is for a Moore supporter to defend the staus-quo.

Let there be light and expose the big rat Joe.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Billy Joe said...> "Many commenters who live on Bosworth question his constant "Sullivan High School Riots" posts."

Please, give us names. Who are these many commenters who live on Bosworth you talk for?

For anyone who questions these posts, all you have to do is check the 911 transcripts. They're suppose to keep copies of the radio chatter.

Unknown said...

Why doesn't somebody just call Joe Moore's office?

Oh yeah. One of his staff will simply put you on hold while he or she looks up the number for 311.

Bosworth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I was mugged there yesterday.

Razldazlrr said...

yep craig - keep it up - we need to see the good and the bad!

billyjoe said...

Here's a few skeptics, Craig, from posts on your blog

Isaac Marshall said...

I'm assuming you are getting this info via the scanner. Have you headed down there to witness these brawls? Would you consider posting photos to show the extent of the activity?

6:23 PM

Lindsay said...

My husband is home during the day...how come he never hears or encounters all these "fights." I'm starting to think that this gets to be a bit overblown.

7:41 PM

Craig Gernhardt said...

I've got over 1500 readers a day. That's a couple, not a few. So what? One readers husband has blocked out the outside world while he's at home and the other wants photos of the action. That's how I view it.

Like I said, go check the 911 transcripts. It's all there.

Now, BJ, stop diverting the subject. Let's get back to 311.

Mac said...

Believe it or not my husband does get out during the day and walk around/do business in the area.

I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, but perhaps this isn't a giant riot like it is sometimes made out to be? I do come across groups of 3-4 young people a few times a week yelling at each other from opposite sides of the street but my husband nor myself have yet to encounter "riots." I'm only questioning if these so called fights and riots are ALWAYS as bad as they are made out to be.

Sticky Fingers said...

Sorry...I thought I was logged in, not my husband. That was me who posted the comment above.

Unknown said...

I've been trying to get mugged there. No luck yet. Any suggestions?

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