Friday, October 10, 2008

Lunt Closed - Detour thru Alley

How important is Lunt Street in the grand scheme of things? Well, not too important if you ask the City of Chicago work crew who was assigned to fix the sinkhole that opened a huge 6 foot by 6 foot gap in the street.... LAST FRIDAY.

All the while CTA bus routes are re-routed. The school buses, like the one above, are putting children at risk when they have to back up and turn around on the very busy Sheridan Road.
Mayor Daley on Thursday branded rampant loafing by city garbage crews as "criminal activity" and vowed to "take the necessary steps to fire" the slackers.

"No one should be sleeping, loafing, drinking, quitting early or anything else. This deals with criminal activity. This deals with cheating. This is not overall management. Leaving early, drinking. This is really kind of criminal activity," Daley said. Source.
Well, Mr. Mayor, it's not just the garbage crews who slack on the job. Since last Friday, a crew of about 6 street repair workers have done little more than stand around.... Or sit in their vehicles and read the paper.... Or talk on their cell phone... Or walk around the neighborhood doing nothing.

And no one from the City of Chicago is doing anything about it.

Mayor Daley is all talk - no action. Just look. Lunt Avenue remains closed. There's a big hole in the ground. City workers are standing around doing nothing. Business as usual at the city of Chicago.

"We are going to identify these individuals. We are going to discipline and fire them,” Mayor Daley said. The tough comments, typical for Daley after embarrassing news breaks, came after an Inspector General’s report. Source.
To be continued....


Craig Gernhardt said...

Detour... Tax payer funded slackers ahead.

Anonymous said...

It's not just full-time city workers that are slacking on the job. Some of the city's hired private contractors also dawdle around doing very little.

The street repair outside of Jordan Elementary School has been an ongoing concern. The situation is similar to what's noted in your blog post: school buses, young students, and car traffic have had to negotiate huge a street hazard there for longer than necessary. A month after a dangerous hole in the street emerged at the intersection of Birchwood and Wolcott, the city finally set up those plastic orange warning cones. Four weeks ago the private contractors started showing up to do something about it, and demonstrated the same lax attitude that has been recently reported regarding city employees.

Yesterday they finally completed repairs and poured concrete. Hopefully they will resurface the street soon and be finished.

My question is who supervises this work?

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