Friday, October 10, 2008

Man Spots Stolen Car on Morse

Today at 1:30 PM, a man spotted his black 2004 Pontiac Grand AM driving on Morse Avenue by Glenwood. He lost his car earlier this morning at 4 AM. The driver had his car jacked from him at that time when he was at North Shore and Sheridan. According to the man who's car was stolen, a person known as "Flukey", a known crack dealer, pulled a gun on him and took his car. The plate # is A592891. The owner doesn't want to press charges. He just wants his car back. Police have a possible last known location for "Flukey"- and are touring that area. Nothing further at this time.

2:19 PM: A man just stole a green bike at 1337 West Morse. The offender peddled the stolen bike south on Wayne.

4:05 PM: Mr. Anonymous calling. "Shots fired" inside an apartment at 1319 West Estes.

4:39 PM: Rolling bones. 10 males are shooting dice on the sidewalk at 1618 West Jonquil.

8:01 PM: Battery in progress. 12 people fighting in the street at Jonquil and Paulina.

10:06 PM: Several calls are coming in on this one, including Evanston One. A huge gang fight is breaking out at Jonquil and Ashland. Lot's of people are acting the fool and fighting with bats and may have guns. A security guard at one of the buildings has his gun drawn. EMS has been called to the scene. Another melee breaks out as soon as the police get the first melee under control.


The North Coast said...

WHY doesn't the owner want to press charges?

I hope he's just SAYING that to get his car back..... and throws the book when he does, so we can get this career criminal off the streets for a while.


Man On The Street said...

So the guy jacked the other guy's car and stayed in the area cruising around? Man, testicles are getting bigger and bigger...

and oh yeah, press f*cking charges...

SouthOfPratt said...

Both are criminals. That's why the victim does not want to press charges.

mcl said...

southofpratt is 'right on!'

Sticky Fingers said...

Any updates on incidents on Ashland and Morse, and in the alleyway at Clark and Morse? It seems very active around here tonight. I was having a party and group of friends of mine who took the redline said at Morse and Ashland there was a cop chasing a young man in front of the church there...they said that the cop was yelling at the fleeing person "I'm gonna shoot your ass!"

My husband just got home and said there three cop cars in the alley between Morse and Farwell and they were speaking to an old woman.

Anyways all night I've been hearing seems like a very active night for the police around here!

Craig Gernhardt said...

Ask Joe Moore, he'll tell ya. Crime is down......

Razldazlrr said...

Does Mr. Moore not look at the crime numbers? How in God's name could he possibly think crime is down???

Anonymous said...

stop calling the police. the police are more corrupt than the gang bangers,

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