Monday, October 6, 2008

Parent Calls 911 on Rude Child

4:55 PM: Domestic Disturbance. 1600 block of West Touhy. Parent calls police because her child is being rude and disrespectful.

All Evening: Group fights break out at Pratt and Bosworth - Lunt and Paulina - Morse and Wayne - Morse and Greenview - Morse and Glenwood. Each "Battery in Progress" as it's called over the scanner had multiple males fighting in the street. In one such call, the caller said 9 to 10 males were holding down one male and beating him (Lunt and Paulina). The common denominator? All locations are in CAPS Beat 2431.


The North Coast said...

Did being "rude and disrespectful" include shoving the parent across the room, slapping or punching her or other siblings, or vandalizing the furniture or car or house?

I feel for parents of out of control teens, and I'm really glad I'm not a parent. You get all the blame, you raised the kid after all, but there are certain flaws that are just inborn and that the parent can't do anything about but call in law enforcement.

And law enforcement tends to be very unsupportive of parents saddled with an out-of-control and perhaps dangerous teen. I know-I've witnessed first hand parents in this situation.

Dan L said...

And law enforcement tends to be very unsupportive of parents saddled with an out-of-control and perhaps dangerous teen.

WTF are you talking about? Exactly what responsibility do the police have to help you raise your ill mannered kids?

The North Coast said...

The police have the responsibility to come and protect you against a teen who is assaulting you, threatening to kill you, breaking up your furniture, and committing other acts of naked aggression.

Face it, parents don't create their kids the way you would a book or a business or a work of art. Children come genetically "hard wired" and sometimes the wiring is just plain defective. How many families have you known in which all the kids are great- nice, polite, well-behaved little citizens- but one, despite the parents' best and most strenuous efforts, is a hell-cat?

Remember Richard Maust, the molester-killer who recently offed himself in an Indiana prison after being convicted of killing 3 teens? This guy was "abandoned" by his mother, according to ignoramuses in the press, but the stone truth was that she had to turn him over to the state at age 12 because she could not control him and was afraid to have him in the house. You see, her other children were fine, but THAT one had tried to kill his brother twice, at age 5 and age 12.

I have a friend whose big,hulking son pushed her across the room in front of me and slapped her, ordering her to iron his clothes. She was no proof against him, for he was so much larger and stronger and aggressive. My own sister, whose other two kids are wonderful, has put up with broken furniture and screaming rages, nonstop, for 10 years.

Ask any mother whose son has ADD with hyperactivity what it is like to deal with this.

You can't expect the police to "raise your kids for you", but you damn well have just as much a right to be protected from physical abuse and other crimes committed against you by a totally uncontrollable kid as you do against spousal abuse.


RP36 said...

I come from a Latin household where disrespect to a family member, especially a parent was met and stopped with a swift backhand or boomerang chankleta (flip flop). My mother is 5'0" and shrinking, I am 6'4" (6' by the time I hit 13) and I would not even look at my mom wrong. When I was 16 (now 32) My mom and I were standing at the Belmont train station on the way to the dentist and arguing about something (can't remember), when I said "DAMN ma!". That was it, my mom jumped what seemed to be 3' and smacked me across the face, in front of rush hour crowd. She said "don't you ever curse at me!". Yep to her "damn" was a curse word. That was the first and last time I cursed at her. My mom is a Christian lady and no not a fanatic, so she let me do many things with-in reason. The only thing she demanded was respect. She is a single mother to top it off. Many parents I see now (I am a parent of a 5 year old) let their kids scream at them, push them, kick and so on.I have seen it many times. I don't and would not beat my kids but I do believe in a spanking or 2 at a young age. In 5 years I have given my daughter a swift wack to the butt 2times and that was that. People at social gatherings and stores ask "how do you get you kid to behave like that" or "wow your kid is so well behaved" and I look at them like "what the heck is she suppose to act like?". I have to admit that people (majority) here in the states have no control over their kids and try to be friends more than parents. That is why it backfires on them. You have to show who is boss from the go not start when they hit 15 = to late.

"I AM SO FLAMING GLAD I NEVER HAD KIDS!!!!" Is that all you are "flaming" about?

DRD said...

This is why I would rather have dogs, you can put them to sleep if they start fucking with you. :)

Unknown said...

Or cats. They just leave you alone...

But really, I would like to say this...I am a firm believer that genetics is a factor in the equation, but not the ONLY factor. Yes, I do believe that some people are just wired wrong...serial killers being one example. BUT, I do not think genetics are the reason teens are out there beating other teens up just because they have a difference in opinion, b/c they are not cool enough, b/c they are homosexual, b/c they are of a different race. I do not think genetics are the reason a kid disrespects his/her parents. I do not think genetics are the reason a kid acts out. That is lack of parenting. Growing up, if I was disrespectful in any way, I got soap in the mouth, or a series of spankings. If I acted out in public, i.e., screamining in a restaurant, etc., my dad took me to the car, turned the radio on and let me scream, in PRIVATE. He would not tolerate anything of that nature. He was VERY active in my life, and for that reason, I grew up to be who I am today. Well educated, with a sucessful job, and a life I can be proud of. And I owe that all to my parents. To the active role they played in raising me the way they saw fit. They didn't give up, they persevered, and that's what a good parent does. They don't just sit back and say, "Hey, they're kids, that's what kids do." They never made excuses for me.

Big Daddy said...

There is a world of difference between "being rude and disprespectful" towards a parent and commiting a battery. The fact of the matter is that the police are called routinely to calls like this. Called by people who have failed to raise their kids properly and want the Police to do what they were to lazy to do. "My kid won't go to school, my kid called me a name, my kid won't let me watch what I want to watch on television", these are a sampling of some of the calls we get. And it's one of the reasons YOU have to wait for the Police when you call for them with a legitimate complaint. Because they are tied up responding to calls like this. Now, fast forward a few years when the kids are now in high school and out of control at dismissal time. Once again we have to act as the parent.

I was standing by the desk one day when a parent walked in to find out why her kid was in custody. Her kid had been locked up for armed robbery. But she had HEARD the the Police manhandled her kid when they arrested him. And thats all she cared about. The police manhandling her kid. Not one single question about the circumstances of the arrest. Not one. Nothing about the victim, where did he get the gun, no disbelief, no embarrasment, nothing. But yet some wonder why some kids are the way they are!

We are not "unsupportive" of parents with children who are out of control. We ARE unsupportive of parents who won't be parents.

Unknown said...

And unfortunately, some parents are just BLIND to what their kids have become or are capable of. And that is why the police have to deal with parents questioning HOW the child was arrested, not WHAT the child was arrested for.

billyjoe said...

"And unfortunately, some parents are just BLIND to what their kids have become or are capable of. And that is why the police have to deal with parents questioning HOW the child was arrested, not WHAT the child was arrested for."

Tiffany, apparently you are ignorant of the many stories in the last few years involving unwarranted police brutality. Remember the cop who beat the woman bartender (caught on tape and aired nationally?) What about the cops who started the fight in downtown bar/pool hall?

No wonder people have attitudes about cops arresting their family members.

Unknown said...

I don't doubt there are instances of police brutality. Clearly you only read what you want to read.

However, I don't agree with a general attitude towards cops based on a few incidents.

billyjoe said...

Are you black, Tiffany? If not, then it makes sense that you think the way you do.

tsteel2 said...

Don't taze me bro.

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

Typical strawman argument by resident douchebag billyjoe. Don't you know that most cops spend their time beating barmaids and coloreds?

Unknown said...

Can someone with a little more history with this blog inform me on the history behind billyjoe's troll-er-ific wank-ery??

billyjoe said...

"Don't you know that most cops spend their time beating barmaids and coloreds?"

They're certainly not doing much to prevent robberies and assaults in Rogers Park . . . . mainly because they think you folks are nuts for buying or renting in this area of the city.

Hillari said...

I'm glad I don't have kids, either. My patience would not tolerate ANY out-of-control behavior out of kids or teenagers.

I would get my ass kicked for rolling my eyes at my parents, let alone, smarting off to them. If I had laid a hand on either one of them. . .well, let's just say it's hard to comment on a blog from a graveyard.

The North Coast said...

It's a good thing I never gave birth, because I verily believe I'd have been hauled up on child abuse charges before my kid could get to the point of ordering me around like a medieval serf, pushing me, slapping and punching me, wrecking my car after I told him not to drive it, breaking my furniture, and forcing me to go downtown at 3 AM to post bail for him.

I don't like to think this, but I just MIGHT ( i don't say WOULD, but MIGHT) have at some point been confronting murder charges. I hate to think that, really I do, but I've seen kids for whom that seems to be one of the few plausible solutions.

Are you allowed to tie your 7-year-old to the fucking bed when he persists in sneaking out of bed to start fires in the kitchen and start your car up and try to drive it away? Or tries to strangle your cats? Or his little brother? I mean, you have to SLEEP sometime.

Yet I have witnessed all this among friends and others of middle class status, and these people are at wit's end trying do deal with these kids. Usually, it's one bad egg, while the other kids in the family are just fine. These parents have tried every damn thing. They go to Toughlove support groups. They employ "discipline", they take the kids to counseling, they go to counseling themselves (they do THIS alot), they withold privileges, they cajole, they plead, they threaten, they call the police, and NOTHING WORKS. The kid still punches his mother and hangs out at the mall with druggies, and if he's under 18, you can't kick him out.

I truly sympathize with the police when they don't want to answer calls for kids doing no more than talking back or talking dirty or just being a normal rotten little rugrat. But, please, officers, make sure that's all it is. Sometimes lives are at stake in these parent/child disputes, and not always the kid's.

RP36 said...

If I ever have to call the cops while fighting with my child it is going to go something like this :

911: What is your emergency?
RP30: I am fighting with my kid
911:So what do you want us to do?
RP30: Get down here before he bleeds to death.
911: unit is on the way.
RP30: *childs head heard bashing against the counter* hurry up.

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

So which is it, billyjoe? One day you accuse Craig of being too pessimistic about Rogers Park and the next day we're all crazy for living in such a crime-ridden hellhole. Stop spending so much time with your "mysticism" (getting high)-you're making beenthere read like Edmund Burke...

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