Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Teen Brawl Causes Traffic Jam

3:18 PM: Battery in progress. Greenleaf and Ashland. A group of Rogers Park teens are fighting in the street and the cars can't get through the melee. It's causing a traffic jam. Police are called to the chaotic scene.


Unknown said...

Man, this is becoming a daily event.

floss said...

They need to make an example of a couple of these kids, and word will get around.

Anonymous said...

HOW HARD is it to stop this ! i swear if i was a police officer i would stop every gang banger i saw, ! you know many people on morse sells crack. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT !! do you know how many crack heads there are on Morse. how hard is it to find the dealers !!!

billyjoe said...

As the daily temperatures decrease, so will this activity.

floss said...

Sadly, the serious students have their own education and future jeopordized because of this crap. Who shouts about their rights?

floss said...

Meanwhile the Democrats block school vouchers.

Chip Bagg said...

These people are the democrat party's BASE!!

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