Thursday, November 6, 2008

49th Ward Celebrates Obama Victory






I live here too said...

Say it ain't so Joe.
Crime is not down!

"The City of Chicago has the right to ask tough questions, especially when our crime is up nearly 13 percent." *
* Jodi Weis, CPD Supt.

Chicago Beats New York, Los Angeles In Murders
Police Supt. Jody Weis To Take Hot City Council Hot Seat

Weis, a career FBI agent, took office this year with a mandate to clean up the department in the wake of several scandals. But murders have risen, and arrests have fallen, on his watch.

The alarming statistics were expected to come up on Friday when Police Supt. Jody Weis once again appeared before the City Council to address a crime rate that many believe has spun out of control.

I heart the R.P. said...

I copied this from an email. I'm going afer getting a little lit up at the free wine tasting at Rogers Park Fine Wines and Sprits.

A grass roots group calling themselves, "Hands Across Howard" is inviting you to attend an outdoor roll call of both the 24th District Chicago Police Department and Evanston Police Department.

Friday, November 7th
7 pm.
At the corner of Howard and Damen (2200 W. Howard)

Showing support for our police is the best 15 minute-investment you can make. Refreshments will be served.

For more information, call (312) 744-6321.

Big Daddy said...

Let me the first to tell you. There is no problem with the Chicago Police Department that requires "cleaning up". There were a few incidents that occured that the pres harped on and continued to report each and everyday. The SOS scandal, the bar incident downtown, the Cozzi incident and the Abbatte incident. Four incients that were newsworthy for a few days. In each and every incident, with the exception of the Cozzi incident, the Officers involved are NOT SUPPORTED by most of the rank and file. Four incidents in a force of appx. 13,500 Officers. Had it not been for the fact that the press who is in bed with daley, reported these incidents for days and gave them far more coverage than they deserve, this would be a non-issue. Now before you get all hot and bothered, I'm not saying that matters such as these should not be reported. I'm simply saying that the press went overboard with reporting them and make police misconduct seem to be epidemic which it is not. So they bring in Weis who doesn't have a clue and you can see what the result is.

Razldazlrr said...

wow - i heart - great idea - thanks!

Clark St. said...

Wrong Big Daddy!
There is massive support for the corrupt & violent cops in this city.
Just read the Second City Cop blog & you'll all crazy cops making fun of anyone that gets beaten by a cop & praising the hell out of the violent ones, especially Cozzi for some strange reason.

Big Daddy said...

Don't tell me I'm wrong. I work with these guys every single day. I know what the pulse of the Police Department is. There is zero support for Abbate, SOS, or, with the exception of the Sgt., the Jefferson Park crew. He gets support because all he did was to leave the scene after being waved off by other coppers when he arrived on the scene. Cozzi does get support because of the way he was treated. He get's my support. The big loser in his incident is the City of Chicago, not Bill Cozzi although his loss is also huge. If I had one thousand Cozzi's, I wouldn't need the other 12,500 Police Officers. That was how good and how hard he worked. You as a resident of an area in which all I hear about is gangsters hanging out on street corners selling dope should pray that you get an Officer of the caliber of Bill Cozzi. Because if you did, the gangsters would no longer hang out on your street corner if Bill was told to clear it.
SSC is a blog that has the same few hundred coppers that post and whine about everything. There is no pleasing them. It would be a mistake to assume that they represent the majority of Police Officers.
And BTW. What corrupt and violent cops are you talking about? The miniscule amount that the newsmedia continually harps about whenever they get a chance? Like the "hard hitting" expose that Pam Zekman did a few days ago? The one that ran for about 4 minutes and said nothing? The one with the flashy headlines with no substance? Go click on CBS2, watch the piece and then tell me what or where the corruption is. Stop basing your opinion on what the newsmedia tells you your opinion should be. Corruption and brutality while always present. You can only minimize it. But after doing this work for almost 30 years I can tell you with complete honesty that the level of corruption and brutality is minimal.
Let's talk about the way the Police department tried to protect Abbatte during his court appearance out at Area 5. Remember, the one in which the news media screamed bloody murder about us protecting him? The one in which the newsmedia cried and cried and said we were protecting him? Well guess what? I was there that day and witnessesd that debacle. Have you ever heard of the term "Police riot"? Well this was a "newsmedia riot". The difference between what happened that day and what was reported on the news was night and day. No one protected Abbatte or did anything out of the ordinary for him except the judge who ordered that he exit the court room via the back door because of the mewsmedia frenzy in front of the court house. I'll bet you didn't hear that on the 10:00 clock news did you. He went to court, the case was continued and he went on his way.

Don't talk to me or lecture me about a subject you have very little knowlege of.Just because you have a bad incident with a policeman on occassion, that doesn't mean they are corrupt or violent. Just because the newsmedia tells you to think that way doesn't make it true. On the contrary, the vast majority of Policeman in this City are hard working, compassionate, abhor violence and are not on the take. Don't take SSC as the gospel of what's going on out there. It is a blog where people can post whatever they want to post with no repercussion. You don't even have to be the Police to post on that blog and there is no evidence that all posters are the Police. Take it for what it is. An electronic bathroom wall, nothing more.

Man On The Street said...

Have to admit, I butted heads with Big daddy here a couple of times, but I'm beginning to respect the guy (not that I didn't respect the general work of cops before but...). The more I read his opinions, the more I think he's pretty sincere. The guys on Second City Cop (if they indeed are all REALLY cops) make the department come across as racist, homophobic and insensitive. Gotta say, I haven't heard big daddy come across that way, even though I've disagreed sometimes.

And that ends my touchy-feely-kumbya moment of the week...

Big Daddy said...

Well thank you man on the street.
I will be the last person to say that not all cops are on the up and up. There are a few bad apples. But the key word is few. For someone to make a blanket statement about the "corrupt and violent cops" is not only ignorant, but shows their complete lack of knowlege on the subject.

Now, having said all that, all I and every other Police Officer I know asks for one thing and one thing only. Fairness. All we ask is to be treated fairly.That means to be treated fairly by the public, the press, the people that read these blogs, our command staff and even our mayor. Take whatever Pam Zekman and her kind say with a grain of salt. Do a little research on matters that she and others rant on about before you automatically assume that because they say it, it must be true. As I said in a previous post, click on CBS2 and watch her latest "hard hitting expose" and show me where the corruption is. Not what some guy who has an agenda says, but evidence. Tell me what corruption that piece exposed. Listen to what the guys says, especially when he claims he paid a copper 3k. Listen carefully, think about what he is saying and ask yourself if he and by extension she, are credible. I can tell you that after being on this job for nearly thirty years and seeing what I see and the way it is reported, as far as I'm concerned, the MSM has no credibility.

Now, as far as SCC goes, the vast majority of people that do post are cops. But not all. We already know that. And I'll even go so far as to say that most of the negative posters are usually what we call two year wonders who do't know s... from shinola.

Man On The Street said...

I'll take a look at the Zekman piece later this evening; hopefully it'll still be up. I try to take everything with a grain of salt. I'm not 100 percent on one side of an issue on anything. There's ALWAYS another side. I learned that when I worked at a newspaper a LONG time ago (and I won't say which one or you'll hate me all over again. Let's just say it sought to "defend" people against the system). I worked mostly in the sports department but did a few news pieces early on and have to say that anyone who came in with a "police brutality" tale got a story in the paper. A a lot of it was stupid, silly stuff, but since the editor thought it was a story we had to write it. I'm going to venture to say that 80 percent of those stories didn't need to be written or were stories where I felt like saying "Well what the hell were you doing in a strangers house with a gun in the first place?" or stuff like that. And everybody's son or daughter was innocent. True, there were some real case, people who got wacked around pretty bad (and I only had their version and the version of News Affairs to go by, not the acutal officer involved since they would never let them talk). But it made me very skeptical, which I hated because I wanted to be that whole "crusading reporter" thing and a lot of the stories set off my bullshit detector right away. That's why I was glad I moved over to sports and let someone else handle that stuff. We were the paper that people came to when the other papers told them to beat it, so you know we got the stories that the other papers concluded weren't worth the ink.

Anyway, yeah, i know first hand how they sensationalize some cop stories: makes for good press and sells papers. Sucks I know, but not sure what you can do.

That doesn't mean I won't call out brutality when I think I see it. Like I said, I'm not 100 percent behind any side. There's some truth on both sides somewhere.

Big Daddy said...

I would not want you to not call out police brutality when you see it. But that is when you see it. But it does sound like you know what time it is so I'll leave it at that. And I do thank you for your honesty. Not many in that line of work are that honest IMHO when it comes to this issue.

NRAMember said...

Since I live in a different state, I'm not familiar with all the incidents that Big Daddy listed; however, I saw the Abbate video where he beat the snot out of a female bartender half his size, then violated his Oath Of Office by intimidating witnesses, so I'll have to assume his was the worst of the incidents that Big Daddy listed. Abbate should be punished for his crimes and lose his peace officer certification for disgracing his profession.

Having said that, Sock Puppeteer, who would you rather encounter on the street, the worst-of-the-worst cop Abbate or a gangbanger? I'd take my chances with Abbate. Even a man like Abbate probably doesn't wake up and think about how many innocent people he can hurt and menace today; versus a gangbanger who plans to hurt and menace people on a daily basis.

And like Big Daddy said, Abbate is the exception, not the rule; and most real police don't support Abbate.

Man On The Street: I lurk on this blog to keep up with the neighborhood of my youth, I've been reading your posts for about 6 months, and it seems you are transforming from a liberal to a conservative. Recently, I've agreed with almost everything you said. You're sounding like Big Daddy.

2good4u2 said...

All I have to say is,"Thank You Big Daddy" I have relatives that work for CPD and are not corrupt or beat civilians for no reason.

The Mayor....Yes Porky Pig. Made CPD what it is today. Low morale, making bosses that have no 4 year university degrees, equipment that malfunctions, have you ever seen some of the loaner cars that police officers have to use? They lack brakes, holes in the floor, exhaust entering the cabin. Serious safety concerns that the general public does not know about. Keep short-changing the department. Porky Pig had such a hard on to bad mouth CPD at every opportunity that the media jump on any story.

How did they get back at Porky Pig? They stopped writing parking tickets... they should be down about 90,000 from last year.
What is really funny is when this happend, Porky Pig then started saying, "I don't know why the media beats up on the police department" Let the meter maids do the work.

The SOS scandel was a bunch of media hype, just a few bad apples. I used to live next door to a problem building and have had SOS in my apartment and they did surveilence and guess what they did everything by the book. Since Porky Pig had SOS broken up any Police Officer that was in that unit is under scrutiny and these are the ones that were never in trouble. Since SOS was disbanded the homicide rate has risen in the certain neighborhoods. Now Weis or J-Fed as they call him want to make a new version of SOS, most Police Officers that I know would never want to be in that unit.

The only clean up that you have to do in the department is getting rid of all the political appointed Sgts, LTs, Captains and Commanders. A good example is the 20th district on Lincoln Avenue.

I heart the R.P. said...

The outdoor roll call held Friday could have been better attended. I counted about 25 citizens (including myself) that "did the walk" with the Evanston and Chicago police.
We've got to show a stronger presence to show these goons the community is tired of all of their bullshit.
With all due respect, Craig, your readers bitching hasn't seemed to helped much lately. I wish you would encourage your readers to get better involved.

Man On The Street said...

Man On The Street: I lurk on this blog to keep up with the neighborhood of my youth, I've been reading your posts for about 6 months, and it seems you are transforming from a liberal to a conservative.

LOL.. Au contraire (see, I used French, I must be a liberal!). I've ALWAYS been what I guess what can be called a moderate, or maybe more of a "practicalist" (is that even a term?). Like I've said, I've never been 100 percent liberal or conservative, because I find it impossibe to go straight across the board on life. I think abortion should be legal but I'm pretty much in favor of the death penalty. I wish guns were gone from the face of this earth, but I know that's not going to happen so we have to enforce the current laws and maybe even make some new ones so that only the law-abiding citizens can have them. I have a problem with SOME cops but I wouldn't want to live here without them (and, yes, a couple of my friends are cops) and I respect the job they do; we NEED them. I may be a "minority" but I am definitely not opposted to cops cracking a few skulls of the gangbangers and drug dealers if it means getting them off the streets and letting regular folks live their lives in peace. Sure the thugs have the right to hang out on a street corner, but when it interfers with my right to simply walk down the street without having my path impeded or being harassed, then their "right" to hang out on the corner is over.

You might have heard me write on specific issues and maybe those poses sounded liberal, but nothing about me has changed. Like I said, I may be "liberal" on some issues, but also "conservative" on others.

And as far as sounding like Big Daddy, well, since I've read more by him over the past few weeks, that's cool with me. But, really, would you want to agree with someone ALL the time? We can disagee, but just have to do it and be able to shake hands afterwards. If there is anything that has "changed" about me here, that may be the only thing. I admit when I first started posting here (and it's been more than just this year, albeit under a different name), I had a tendancy to jump in after reading one post and firing with both guns. I might have learned to step back and wait a bit before speaking. Doesn't mean I've changed my views, just chosen my words more carefully.

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