Friday, November 7, 2008

Robbed in the 49th Ward

A little after 11 PM last night, scanner reports 5 or 6 male/blacks robbed a customer at Dukes Bar, 6920 North Glenwood Avenue. One of the alleged offenders was said to be armed with a gun. The offenders fled south and one person was detained by civilians at the 7/Eleven at Pratt and Glenwood. When police arrived at 7/Eleven, they called for EMS, as the person being held was "beaten up pretty bad", said an arriving officer on the scene. According to the report, $50 USC and a cell phone were taken.


RP36 said...

Atleast they whooped his ass! The police should have got the taser going too.

I heart the R.P. said...

The bartenders told me a very different version, that the police brought a guy by that they picked up at 711 for identification and it was not the assailant.
About an hour later, the people at Dukes again spotted the dudes that did the robbery and called 911. That was the last they heard from police, and they did not have any reason to believe that they got the guys.

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