Friday, November 7, 2008

49th Ward Shop Owner Harassed (Updated)

Reported first on the 'Broken Heart'.
A couple in their 40s who own a store on the 1900 block of W. Howard say they were harassed by a gun-toting man for firing his girlfriend. The victims, who said they've had run-ins before with the man, were working in their store at 6 p.m. Oct. 30. The man entered the store allegedly waving a gun. After yelling something unintelligible, the victims fled their store, police said. The victims told police they have filed other complaints against the man for slashing their car tires and assault. The man has also thrown eggs at the victims' store, according to the police report. Police found the man and arrested him after both victims positively identified him. O'Neil McLacklan, who has addresses on the 7500 block of N. Seeley and the 1300 block of W. Touhy, was charged with aggravated assault and criminal damage to property. He has a Dec. 10 court date. The police report did not note McLacklan's exact age, except to say that he was in his 30s. Source.
Update: I received an email regarding this Chicago Journal story.

Hi Craig, The women listed in the blog as his girlfriend is my mother. She is not, nor ever was, his girlfriend. They went to school together. She also quit from good-2-go, they did not fire her.

It started when the owners started giving her a hard time and she decided to quit. He saw the owners reacting negatively and he took matters into his own hands. He decided to slash the tire to the owners Benz. Once my mother found out, she called the owners and let them know what he had done. Why he's still behaving like this, we have no idea. She hasn't had any contact with him since she quit.

1 comment:

Razldazlrr said...

I received this email today - I thought you may want to post it somewhere:
Office of State Senator Heather Steans
Community Update

November 7, 2008

Dear Neighbors,

I want to invite you to attend three upcoming community meetings in the 7th district.

These upcoming meetings are:

1. Uptown Public Safety meeting
Monday, November 10, 2008, 6PM
Truman College Cafeteria, 1145 W. Wilson Ave.

2. Edgewater Elected Officials Town Hall meeting
Monday, November 10, 2008 at 7PM
Emmanuel Congregation, 5959 N. Sheridan

3. Rogers Park Public Safety Meeting
Monday, November 24, 2008, 7PM
United Church of Rogers Park, 1545 W. Morse

1. Uptown Public Safety Meeting
November 10, 2008 at 6PM
Truman College Cafeteria.

I would like to notify you of a follow-up Town Hall meeting on Public Safety in Uptown on Monday, November 10, 2008 at 6PM at Truman College Cafeteria (1145 W. Wilson Ave).

At this town hall meeting, Representative Greg Harris and I will discuss the concerns expressed by residents regarding the rising crime in Uptown. We hope to continue to work on community-driven solutions to these pressing public safety problems. We would also like to encourage all interested parties to participate in working groups to craft solutions in the following areas:

Increased citizen participation in public safety decision making and better communications in the community
Changes in public policy to address public safety
Youth programming and involvement
Business participation and involvement

These areas were identified based on what we heard at the previous town hall meeting and at two smaller group meetings that Rep. Harris and I convened in the interim. I hope those of you that attended the previous meeting are able to attend and bring your neighbors as we work to make Uptown a safer community.

2. Edgewater Elected Officials Town Hall Meeting
Sponsored by the Edgewater Community Council
November 10, 2008 at 7PM
Emmanuel Congregation, 5959 N. Sheridan.

All are welcome to attend a town Hall meeting at the Emmanuel Congregation, 5959 N. Sheridan Road from 7PM to 9PM sponsored by the Edgewater Community Council. I will be attending and welcome any questions you may have about state issues.

Graham Grady, Long time Edgewater resident, former Commissioner of the
City of Chicago Department of Buildings, and attorney
Harry Osterman, State Representative 14th District
Carol Ronen, Democratic Party Committeeman 48th Ward , the State
Central Committeewoman of the 9th Congressional District and a member
of the Democratic National Committee
Jan Schakowsky, Congresswoman 9th District of Illinois
Mary Ann Smith, Alderman 48th Ward
Heather Steans, State Senator 7th District

3. Rogers Park Public Safety Meeting
November 24, 2008 at 7PM
United Church of Rogers Park, 1545 W. Morse

Please join State Senator Heather Steans, State Representative Harry Osterman, Alderman Joe Moore, and Chicago Police Commander Steve Caluris for a town hall meeting on public safety in Rogers Park. At this meeting elected officials and police representatives will discuss public safety issues in Rogers Park following the increased violence in Chicago this past summer.

The meeting will run from 7PM to 9PM at the United Church of Rogers Park, 1545 W. Morse, Chicago, IL 60626.

All are welcome to attend.

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