All you need is love. Ex-plumber, 49th ward ex-Aldermanic candidate who got crushed liked a bug, current rubber-stamp ZULAC member, fraudulent community activist, Glenwood Art Fair electrician, city sticker scofflaw, and now add to the title new publisher, caught roaming the neighborhood with puckered lips? Makes you wonder what he's going to do next.
Image by Tom Mannis.
He can kiss me.
Ill take a smootch from that bandit-- he's cute.
Funny enough, this alleged kissing bandit blew me an air-kiss tonight.
That's pretty funny.
How cute....they are kissing under the "rainbow bridge".
Since he does not want to register his car in Shitcago someone should call the 1-800 insurance fraud hotline and report the vehicle to them.
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