Thursday, November 6, 2008

Student Attacks Teacher on the Northside

At 8:40 AM this morning, an 11 year old out of control student allegedly attacked a teacher with a sharp object at the Kilmer School, 6700 North Greenview. The student was subdued enough to be taken to the school administration office, where the police were called to take over the situation.

8:52 AM: Two students were just arrested at Sullivan High School, 6700 North Bosworth. Nothing further at this time.


Craig Gernhardt said...

When I question the the 'Great One' about his words, the neighborhood goes on the almighty uproar for their saviour.

When an 11 year old student physically attacks a teacher with an object, the community runs and hides.

Yep, we've got our priorities straight.

Adelie said...

I wonder where this 11 year old learned this type of behavior? Hmmm. Probably has witnessed it before. Or it could be he is violent due to some type of emotional disturbance.

An old neighbor of ours has a "son" who was born to a crack addict (a relative of the neighbor). The kid is prone to violent outbreaks. It's sad because he's a really cute kid, but has no impulse control.

You know, we all here know that the problem is poor parenting (uneducated, teenage mothers having fatherless children). But, how do we stop it? To their credit, Obama and Bill Cosby harped upon this very thing, but then they were blasted for it.

And before racism creeps into this blog, the little kid I'm talking about is white. I better clarify that.

As a white person, I have no problem openly chastizing my race for breeding indiscriminately. But, let's face it, the white community can't do anything about this problem within the black community. It's not our business, or is it? I mean, the crime effects us all.

Bottom line, education and proper parenting are definitely the key to keeping illegitimate birth rates down. No matter the race of the person. It would be nice if there was a coalition of all races who began speaking out, in the strongest terms, against uneducated and unwed teenagers getting pregnant.

Thoughts on how to break this cycle? Are there any groups out there?

Man On The Street said...

No matter the race of the person. It would be nice if there was a coalition of all races who began speaking out, in the strongest terms, against uneducated and unwed teenagers getting pregnant.

Thoughts on how to break this cycle? Are there any groups out there?

yeah, it would be nice. As for how to break this, sorry, but I'm moving more and more each day to the "self control" side of the issue. There have been MANY organizations dedicted to teaching parenting, drug rehab, identifying and dealing with child behavorial problems, and I have seen a LOT of them while working for city and state agencies. But at some point, forming one more help group isn't the answer. They're out there. The people who need them have to, at some point, get up, realize they have a problem on their hands and seek help. Do you know many times I heard parents make excuses for their child or, as was more often, blame the teachers/administrators for the problem and claming they're provoking their child, rather than listen for a moment and thing, maybe my son/daughter DOES have a behaviorial problem (as if being called to the school five or six times in a three month span isn't a clue). In fact I have a neice with a child who used to refuse to believe her kid had a behavioral problem and didn't want to seek help, either psychological or medical. And that kid contined to be send from school to school, whichever one could handle her until it became more of a place to just keep her for a few hours than teach her.

Not all of this behavior can be explained away by psychological problems or some medical/chemical imbalance. Sometimes it's the person's own fault. People know right from wrong. I'm sure this kid involved in this attack on a teacher knew right from wrong. But today there is no regard for consequenses, no thinking about anything beyond that immediate situation. It's an instant gratification society and everybody wants what they want right away and damn anyone who gets in their way. So instead of getting a job delivering papers or working in a store, it's knocking someone over the head and stealing their wallet at 14. It's standing on a street corner arguing and yelling about nothing until it become a mob beating up on kid.

Perhaps you're right, perhaps the main problem is parenting, at least that's the solution I would try first. But no need to form yet another group. There are enough out there now. If you want to be a dissemenator of information, of where to go, that might help. But if they don't want to take up the offer, well to be blunt, f*ck 'em. They'll find out the hard way, maybe 10 years from now, when all of that behavior has gotten them nowhere.

Adelie said...

MOTS, I can't say I disagree with you.

Here's my Orwellian idea (ooh, I know I'm gonna get blasted for this one):

It's too bad we can't implant some type of "chip" into people when they're born. This "chip" would prevent ovulation and viable sperm in humans until they demonstrated and proved they could be supportive and proper parents. People would have to undergo psychological testing, investigative questioning AND prove, via tax returns, they could support a child. Once they passed those elements, then the "chip" would be removed, allowing ovulation or viable sperm.

I mean, kids don't ask to be born. Why should they suffer because two idiots reproduced indiscriminately?

Man On The Street said...

I mean, kids don't ask to be born. Why should they suffer because two idiots reproduced indiscriminately?

Some people might think your "chip" idea sounds silly, but I've thought about stuff like that myself. You get frustrated. Mine was to have (reversable) sterilization of an entire generation of girls so that the wouldn't have children until they were in their 20s, etc., then there wouldn't be "babies having babies". I think that's one of the biggest problems, girls too young to be proper mothers trying to raise kids. I see them on the street and they treat the kid as if it's already grown (i.e., walking down the street ahead of the kid who's three and yelling at them to keep up, or not saying anything when the kid is 10 and doesn't come home until 10 or 11 p.m.). Stuff like that teaches the kid that he's already an "adult" and they begin to act like it, responding to authority not with respect and deference but with defiance. Or when you see kids going from counselor to counselor, school to school (at age 10) and the parents claim "I don't know what to do with him/her". Well you know why? Because you're a kid too! You're 16, 17, 18 and you're parent didn't know what to do with because they were 16, 17, or 18 when they had you and you kid will be 16, 17 or 18 when they have their kids. And over and over and over and none of them will know how to be a parent because they're just kids. So if there was some what to keep them from becoming parents too soon, to give them to chance to see more of what this world has to offer, I'm convinced they would be better parents than what we have now. Because the girl/woman that has three or four different kids by two or three different men has pretty much given up on herself and if she's given up on herself, then what chance do the kids, boys and girls, have at seeing some life other than hanging out on the street or joining a gang? And sice teaching and talking about preventing unwanted pregnancy isn't working, and since making birth control available to pretty much all doesn't seem to be working, the only thing would be to make it mandatory. Make it reversable so that when they're in their 20s or 30, when they're ready to have a kid and raise it with a better knowledge of the world, they can.

But since my mandatory (reversable) contraception plan sounds a little like Nazi Germany, I have a sneaking suspicion it won't pass anytime soon. :)


AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

My goodness. What's up with these kids and their violence against teachers? It's not like the teacher ever attacked you or anything. Hopefully this kid is locked up for some time. That was uncalled for what he did.

As for the arrest at Sullivan High School (where I attend, therefore I chose it as my username lol), that's nothing new. There is always something going on there and I witness half the stuff. There is a fight almost, if not, every day. At least we have a police room at school, which is a really great thing. And better yet, my homeroom is right next to it, so I feel safe in my homeroom.

Chip Bagg said...

Our future looks bright!!!

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