Sunday, January 11, 2009

Man Mugged for Refusing to Buy Pot in Rogers Park

If you're walking Howard Street, and you don't want to buy any weed, this is what may happen to you.
A 36-year-old man was mugged on the 1600 block of W. Howard at about 7:30 p.m., Jan. 3, after he refused to buy some weed. He was approached by three men in their early 20s, who asked him if wanted to buy some pot. When he refused, he was shown a handgun and the men demanded money. The victim handed over $140 cash, his cellphone and a digital camera....
I'm guessing this sap would've been better off just buying the dope.

Source/Read more.


Anonymous said...

I have a feeling he would have gotten mugged regardless.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Every time I hear about a "cell phone" being stolen now in a mugging, I think of this Isiah Stroud photo.

Kiwithing said...

That's pretty unsettling. I've been lucky enough to refuse weed and not have my life threatened, thank the stars... But judging by the wackiness of things over here, I'm sure my days are numbered.

Razldazlrr said...

What the hell?? Where are the police to pick up these thugs? I do hope a few of you good guys out there are carrying guns and know how to use them!

Razldazlrr said...

photo - yea just some "nice kid" that happened to have a few cell phones and a lot of cash

Phred said...

I agree with Chicago. "Want to buy some weed?" is a very creative variation on the pre-mugging standard "Hey, do know what time it is?"

The weed query (if the mark is willing) gets the wallet out faster to be taken away. Plus, the assailants know the mark is less likely to report the crime because it involved drugs.

That said, all you casual, otherwise law-abiding weed smokers can protect your source (in the unlikely event you get caught with your stash) by just telling the cops you bought it from some gangbangers on Howard St. It's a perfectly reasonable explanation.

RP Free Speech said...

It is up to our alderman, Joe Moore, to work with the 24th District and keep them infomed of infringement of good citizens' rights, in regard, especially, to TWO troubled areas--HOWARD STREET and MORSE AVENUE.

He has not been looking out for anyone's welfare but his own for the past several years.

HE MUST BE CALLED TO TASK! He must consider which is wiser: to do the job he is exhorbitantly paid to do, or LOSE IT ALL in these quickly passing days of his last term as alderman.

Whatcha gonna do, Joe?

lafew said...

Perhaps, it is all in the approach. You don't make eye contact with those who you don't know, but you definitely do not stop to listen.

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