Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday with Timmy

Hi Craig, we at Sullivan had an assembly this morning regarding school safety.

The first speaker was Dr. Artia, the principal of Sullivan High School. He talked about school safety. That we should all be careful at all times. We should also be on time to class, said Dr. Artia. He also said if you observe a fight going on or anything usual, report it to security or the police officers at the school. Anything usual means if you see somebody with any kind of weapon, or if there's a stranger in the school. He explained that strangers are the reason why we are to wear school IDs at all times in school, leaving school and arriving to school, to help ensure our safety.

Dr. Artia also said he was very aware of the afternoon brawls. He's gotten tons of emails and phone calls about it, therefore he called for the assembly. He said he will work with the police, security and school staff to resolve this issue. They want Sullivan to be a better school for everyone. They want it to be safe again, like it used to be before. That is why security, staff, the police officers and even Dr. Artia himself will now issue "Hall Violation Passes" for students who are tardy to class. The first offense subjects you to after school detention. The second offense gives you a in-school suspension. The third offense results in out-of-school suspension. This new violation pass is to be taken very seriously, according to Dr. Artia. You must be on time for class. So if you observe things like two kunckle-heads (actual words used by Dr. Artia in this meeting) fighting, someone being harassed or threatened or someone causing a disturbance, alert someone right away and that person will be punished.

The second speaker of the assembly was Jesse, one of the security guards at Sullivan. He told the audience about how Isiah Stroud was killed, how he had his future planned out, what he wanted for Christmas, but it was taken away from him because he did not be careful about his safety. He thought death couldn't happen to him. But, the sad thing is, it did. He also said it happened because of what Isiah was associated with. So, according to Jesse, you should not be talking about what gang you belong to or throwing up gang signs because somebody will see you and tell their friends what they saw you do, and it'll lead to a fight or even death. Jesse also stated that security is going to enforce the new rules that Dr. Artia gave. Security will be walking around with the Hall Violation Passes and issuing you them if they see you in the hallway. You will be reffered to the office and you'll get your punishment.

Security is not going to be totally hard on you for everything, though. If you need to talk to somebody, they'll listen, according to Jesse. You could tell them what you've heard about fights and other stuff like that. You could also talk to them if you're feeling down. Also, just as Jesse was ready to finish up his "speech" (as I like to call it), he told the audience that if you see someone unusual, or somebody with a weapon, inform himself or another adult in the building. They can get the person before they cause harm to you or anybody else in the building.

The thrid speaker of the assembly was Mr. Torres, our Social Worker at Sullivan. He said that he's there to talk to you if you need someone to talk to. Just go to his office in your lunch period or get a pass from your teacher. He'd be ready to listen. He also said that he and the consulers will be in the assembly hall tomorrow or any day to discuss the issues at Sullivan (reffering to all the fighting, I'm guessing). Any issue could be discussed.

The fourth and final speaker of the day was some woman (a consuler, but I forget her name). She basically said the same things as the first three speakers in regards to the fighting, Hall Violation Passes, etc., then she dismissed us from the assembly hall.

Personally, I found this meeting to be a good meeting (it's about time the issues are addressed) and an informative one. It's good to see that the school is aware of all the mayhem and will start taking steps to resolve the issues. I liked Jesse's speech the most though. He was on point with everything he said, in my opinion. However, I'm pretty sure that some other people may have found the meeting to be a waste of time (many of the kids who cause the mayhem did) or a joke. I will ask for people's opinions tomorrow to get an idea of what they thought about it.

- Avondale/Logan Square Crime Blotter

Blognotes: Now that Timmy and I have everyone's attention. I'd like to add my two cents. To all Sullivan personal. We need a zero tolerance on gang flashing. Parents need to be informed when a student is caught flashing gang signs at each other. This is serious business that leads to death.

Plus, I'm getting tired of the blame game. Parents need to start being held accountable for their own childrens actions. If damages occur, the parents must pay.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Is Dr. Artia in denial? It struck me the word "gang" or "gang recruitment" was not mentioned.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

He didn't want to piss everyone off, from what I'm guessing, because there may have gang members sitting up in the meeting. However, the security guard Jesse did mention the word gang and the names of the teen "gangs" like "Insane Cuthroat Gangstas".

Craig Gernhardt said...

For those who like to text, that would be abbreviated "ICG."

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

That was also said by the security guard.

Craig Gernhardt said...


Hillari said...

I don't doubt that a lot of "false-flagging" goes on, too. That's when someone flashes gang signs of a rival gang. It's done because a) of a stupid attempt by some to look cool, (half the time, the person doing the flashing isn't even in a gang) or b) to trick rival gangs into thinking they're dealing with a fellow gang member; the purpose is to hurt and/or kill the rival gang member.

I remember a couple of girls who had a bad habit of false-flagging. They would flash Disciple signs around 19th and Kedzie (where my grandparents lived), and go a few block up to
23rd Street (in Little Mexico) and flash Latin King signs. One day they got caught by Disciples, who beat them down badly.

They were lucky they only got punched and kicked, but that was back in 1978. Today, they would have been killed.

RP Free Speech said...

So what you are saying, Boxing Tomboy, is that,

"They were lucky they only got punched and kicked, but that was back in 1978. Today, they would have been killed."


Have any of you ever lost a child? Many of you have HAD a child--do you care about him/her so much? Would you "give your life" for that of your child?

Until you can make that determination, (and I sincerely hope you NEVER have to), please remain silent unless you have "been there", as I have.

MadeInRogersPark said...

Dr Artia is just NOW talking about being late to class and issuing detentions what a joke
Teachers and students need a program like TAKE BACK THE SCHOOL!
Doors close at second bell and anyone out of class is swept into lunchroom or other large holding place call the parents - request a meeting - no more late to class

Sometomes these are called " SWEEPS"
but again like anything within CPS they are difficult to implement!

Kheris said...

We have to be able to put the "name" to whatever it is that is behind the conflict and the fighting. If it is gangs, gang recruitment, showing you are "true" to your homies or whatever, then let's name it and deal with it. Dancing around the words accomplishes nothing besides delaying the inevitable confrontation with reality.

jeff in chicago said...

Hey Grammar's a clue. They were savages then, and they are savages now. It's just that today's savages have been even more desensitized - IMO by parents who probably used the TV as a babysitter - and they are more vicious now than ever.

And what's with you people who keep telling others to "remain silent" on a blog? Are you unaware of the concept? A subject is raised and commentary ensues. You have no special knowledge. Neither do I. Read. Don't read. Take from it what you choose. But stop with the attemps to be a blog cop.

Anonymous said...

Timmy and Craig are tricks.

presstoe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Latinking, you say I'm a "trick", but what does that make you? And if Craig is so much of a "trick", why do you even comment here?Besides, if I'm a "trick" for just trying to make my school a better place and a place where I can actually LEARN without threats of violence over my head, so be it.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

MadeInRogersPark: He's been talking about tardies and other stuff along that line since my first day attending there, but however, I'm guessing with so much violence hanging over everyone's head every single minute, nobody has been really able to enforce anything.

Craig Gernhardt said...

==And what's with you people who keep telling others to "remain silent" on a blog?==

If there's one thing Joe Moore tells all his peeps time-and-time again, it's.... "Don't respond to the blogs. Ignore them."

The North Coast said...

Boxing tomboy is correct: given the context around those girls, they WERE lucky. That is not to say that they should have been subjected to a beatdown- of course, we should not have pockets of our society so over-run with savagery that you're "lucky" you can make it from your home to your car without getting mugged or shot.

I have been similarly "lucky" on many occasions in another city during the seventies and eighties:"lucky" that my mugger didn't have a firearm in 1985 and that I was able to struggle enough to get away, "lucky" that the thug who stuck a gun in my face in a 1978 holdup didn't pull the trigger out of sheer nervousness, "lucky" that the numerous purse snatchers who grabbed my bag didn't knock me in front of a car or injure me while pushing me to the ground.

I resent living in a society where I have to feel like I'm lucky to escape mayhem and gunfire just in the act of walking the streets. Now, your kid is "lucky" if he escapes a mass shooting at a suburban high school, or can grow up without catching gang gun fire.

And we've become totally densensitized to it all. The guy who walked into Chicago workplace a couple of years back and wasted 6 people, or the maniac who BEHEADED someone on a bus in Canada- all yesterday's news, and we just sigh and turn the page when fresh news of another gang shooting, family murder, or mass slaughter appears.

We need to re-sensitize ourselves to the incredible violence. It shouldn't be this way.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Timmy, don't bother with LK. This anonymous person is just trying to 'stir the pot.'

Razldazlrr said...

Joe Moore should be paying attention to the blogs - it's foolish of him not too - that's where people are talking about what needs to be done. I guess he has his head in the sand and ignores the truth. I'm guessing a few people on his staff see the blogs and know what's going on!
Kids? Sure, I would like to help those that want to help themselves. If they are going to be causing trouble - ok - then go away.

RP4Life said...

I went to Sullivan H.S. back in the 80's, it was very violent then. More of a physical variety.
Tim, stay focused on the task at hand and you will soon be at a college. You seem like a highly motivated person. I think that it is great that you get to go on all of those field trips. It's like you get to escape from the asylum for half of a day. Attending class and doing homework is preparing you for work in the world.
Thanks for all of the updates and keep you head down. I only had to deal with beat downs, not gun fire, I consider myself very lucky.
I value all of the opinions expressed on this blog. I obviously don't agree with some of them but, I am glad that Craig has created an area for the people to say what's on their minds. Question everything. If we did a better job at that, maybe we would not be in the mess that we are in now, Locally, Nationally and Internationally.

Unknown said...

On Sullivan High Principal Artia, Timmy wrote "He's gotten tons of emails and phone calls about it, therefore he called for the assembly. He said he will work with the police, security and school staff to resolve this issue."

The all-school meeting idea is great. It sounds like the principal organized a presentation that went beyond euphemistically referring to discipline problems. They spoke to the very real climate of violence, the gangs, the weapons, and the murder of Isiah Stroud. What also sounds good was the advice on avoiding violence, communicating with staff about it, and improvements in monitoring the school campus. Clearly, there was no "head in the sand" behavior going on at all.

A few students might have objected, but the majority surely appreciated the effort. They got more than just a lecture. It was a coordinated exercise in adults treating youth with respect by acknowledging the issues that confront them all and encouraging everyone to be a part of the solution rather than the problem.

I hope the administration continues to raise standards and expectations of performance regarding discipline - for students and staff. Overall, it's a good step forward and such meetings with student should continue.

The next administrative actions should include strategies to reach out to engage, more than anyone else, the parents, and then neighbors to help support solutions. They might be planning that already.

Man On The Street said...

Timmy and Craig are tricks.

Yeah, guys, stop snitching. Even if you saw latinking's mother, brother, father, etc. shot pointblank on the street and left for dead and you could identify the killer and prevent them from doing further harm, don't be a trick and snitch. Let latinking wonder what happened to his family and wonder why no one is being brought to justice.

I'm sure he'd want it that way...

Ryne said...

Craig: This is unfucking believable!!

joey loves patting himself on the back!!

Moore Named "Most Valuable Local Official" By The Nation Magazine
Dear Neighbor,

Allow me to indulge myself by sharing with you a nice recognition I received last week.

The Nation, the oldest continuously published weekly magazine in the U.S., came out last week with its annual "Most Valuable Progressives of 2008" awards, and I was honored to make the list as the "Most Valuable Local Official."

Here's some of what they said:

In a city that has been rocked by corruption scandals of the ugliest sort, Chicago Alderman Joe Moore stands out as an example of the sort of steadfast and effective grassroots progressive who has fought the powerbrokers again and again and frequently prevailed. Moore refuses to be constrained by the supposed limits of local government. He has gotten the Chicago city council to oppose the war, defend civil liberties and take on chain-stores that batter local businesses. As the Holiday season approached, Moore was highlighting a "Think Globally, Shop Locally" initiative designed to help local firms compete with the big guys.

While it's nice to be recognized by such a venerable publication, the most meaningful honor I've received is the honor you have bestowed upon me to represent you in the Chicago City Council. As I begin another year as your alderman, I will continue to work hard to justify your confidence.


Joe Moore

Unknown said...

Yeah. Read the comments left at the online version of that article. More than a few chastise the writer for not recognizing that Joe Moore doesn't do the job he is paid to do.

What a fucking loser.

proGun said...

The Nebraska Daycare solution.

I believe Nebraska has enacted a program to attract new young residents willing to be relocated.

mcl said...

Regarding Rynes's comment:

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael luckenbach
Cc: Lorraine Swanson ; Julie Hamos ; John Kass ; Jeffery Schoenberg ; Jen Walling ; Jan Schakowsky
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 12:05 PM
Subject: 'Most Valuable Local Official'

The Nation Magazine
Letter to the Editor

I'm writing to express my astonishment in your naming Chicago Alderman Joe Moore as 'Most Valuable Local Official' in the annual " Most Valuable Progressives of 2008". I am a strong progressive, loyal subscriber to The Nation, and a long time resident (34 years) of the 49th Ward in Chicago. Our quality of life in the 49th Ward, under Joe's 17 year stewardship, has deteriorated greatly due to his ignoring our LOCAL Ward issues, concerns and services and instead pandering to the media regarding national and international matters. Mr. Moore is very focused in concerning himself with all manner of issues which have NOTHING to do with the job he is /was elected to do...represent and deal with local Ward constituent needs and concerns. As a loyal, long time Nation subscriber, I am dumbfounded by this choice. In making this unbelievable selection, you certainly did not speak to Alderman Moore's local constituents or evaluate and consider his performance on/in the job he is/was elected to do...represent and focus on the needs and interest of the residents of the 49th Ward.

Michael C. Luckenbach
49th Ward, Chicago

Over the years, Mr. Moore has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars (millions?) from Real Estate developers (for zoning changes) and other special interest groups, in-order to fund his Aldermanic political career. It will come as a surprise, if this 'pay to play' way of doing business in the 49th Ward hasn't come under the scrutiny of Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's office.

rogerspark60645 said...

Do The North Coast or Michael J. Haarrington EVER write anything less than 2 paragraphs?...:-)

Missy Eastlake said...

But if you read the Comments section of The Nation piece, you'll also find this comment:


Joe Moore is an abomination of a choice.

He is an ineffectual showhorse alderman. Contrary to what youve written here, he almost never "prevails" and certainly not on anything of substance.

His neglect of the pressing needs of his ward have resulted in staggering gang violence and street crime along Morse Avenue. Students at Loyola University are routinely harassed.

Joe has expended his efforts on behalf of the things like the goose liver pate ordinance while virtually every measurable quality of life indicator in Rogers Park has plummeted during his ineffectual service

He damn near lost his last election which would have been good and I can only hope for those trying to make an actual difference to Chicagoans in Rogers Park that he will in the next go-round.

Shameful shameful choice John and insult to true progressivism.

Posted by ChicagoCillen at 12/31/2008 @ 01:27am | warn this person

Unknown said...

Dear rogerspark60645, Sure!

MadeInRogersPark said...

The flashing of gang signs within a public school is a Group 4 Misconduct which may result in booth in school or out of school suspension which could possibly lead to a Group 6 Misconduct which could lead to suspension, reassignment or expulsion

Flaahing GAng signs should be taken seriously and dealt with according to the Uniform Discipline Code

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

MadeInRogersPark: They don't seem to enforce this rule as much as they should, but maybe they'll start. Hopefully.

I also mostly agree with your taking the school back idea, except that what if my classmates and I are late (on accident of course)? We're late sometimes as wel, even though we don't mean to be.

Usually, it happens if there's an incident in the room or if we're moving slow but then again, we're with our aides so we may not be punished, but if one of us is late on purpose, such as being in a bad mood and moving slow on purpose then we should be punished for it as well too.

MadeInRogersPark said...

I honestly think Timmy is a teacher!

MadeInRogersPark said...

Avondale ---

Use your words if you are late for a valid reason
Express your needs

If you are being moody well so be it but get your fanny foo foo to class and be moody there not in the hallway
you credits are issued based on classtime
not ---hall time

Remember the more you learn the more you know
the more you know -
The farther you will go!!!

Quit paying so much attention to the hall business and get your a-- to class

on time!!!!!

Everyone has 4 minutes!!!

By now you know the route, routine blah blah

Do your work

ignore the gang banger because remember their goal is to get your attention

The less attention they get the more likely thery are to either get to class themselves or leave school

either way - Your job is to take care of your business and get to class!!!!!

Just remember I am a high school teacher!!!

Unknown said...

MadeInRogersPark, did you intend to sound so harsh about Timmy? From his many reports here, it does seem that he's paying attention to his classes and taking care of business at school. He's also keenly aware of his environment, especially what is happening around him. That awareness supports his creative thinking and writing. That's all good. I'd encourage him to continue being a thoughtful observer of his life at Sullivan.

Razldazlrr said...

I don't read The Nation publication but I couldn't believe it yesterday when I got another email from Moore's office tooting his own horn! I'm going to look at the online pub and see how this person is chosen. They certainly did not do any real research or talk to people who actually reside in his ward. We all need to write a letter to the comment section of mag. Here's the online site of the article:

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

MJH, you're aboustely right. I do pay attention in class and taking care of my business. You're also right that I am aware of my enviroment at Sullivan. At a school like this, you have to be aware of what's happening.

MIRP, you have to consider that the students in my classroom and myself are not regular students. We're disabled. Even though there is mostly no reason why we should be late, it happens (not all the time though).

You should also consider that we need time to get the stuff we need for class, we need time to walk (not all of us can run) to classes that may be on the other side of the builiding. We come from the Greenview side of the building and we may have to go a classroom on the Bosworth side. That takes a few minutes, you know.

Like I said before, punish us if we're late for a dumb reason (such as being in some little mood), but not for a good reason. Some of my classmates may have to learn things the hard way.

Personally, I don't stall around in the hallways. In fact,I try to rush to class. All but one of the other kids in my class also do this. You don't see them playing around in the hallways.

Some of you act as if the disabled children are causing the problems. We're not, and I'm NOT telling anybody this again. Some of you also act like you don't have a single care about a disabled child in the world. It really needs to stop. So what if we need extra help on things and quite frankly, who cares if we get to class in 6 minutes?? Most of our teachers don't, as long as we get there and learn. We're disabled, GET OVER IT.

P.S. MadeInRogersPark, no, I'm not a teacher (wouldn't want to be in a million years!), I'm a disabled student who belongs to Sullivan High School.

MadeInRogersPark said...


Make an appointment with Mr. Torres

He is a great fellow and stellar social worker - seriously he is and he really cares about the students!

Michael - Please - harsh - no I am not harsh and this is a first for me==like other high school darlings Timmy is allowing the drama of the hallway take over what he is in school for
- to learn - this occurs most when we ignore the hallway drama - get to class on time and procede with the daily agenda
Timmy would be best if he left the hallway agenda alone and focused on his classes

I do not see his blog filled with the daily report of his classes and I honestly do not expect that
- there is less drama in the hallways when people walk away from it without giving it attention

The more you give attention to negative behavior the more it will occur!

Man On The Street said...

Timmy would be best if he left the hallway agenda alone and focused on his classes

What specifically goes on in the class is not the point of Timmy's blog or his postings here. Timmy began writing here because we were reading about CONSTANT fighting at the school every single day. He provided an insight to what is going on at the school that, personally speaking, helped make the situation a bit more clear. You make it sound as if he's standing there for far too long just watching. Read his posts carefully again. The things he posts are things any normal person can view in passing. Indeed, most of his observations about incidents don't seem to be those of someone just standing there watching far too long ("two kids were yelling at each other in the hall." The end). If he were to give us the genesis of the disturbance, the blow-by-blow and the aftermath, then, yeah, I'd say he was hanging around a bit too long. His posts are short observations on the way to class (as he himself points out). Cut him some slack and maybe look at this from a different perspective. If he can see all of these things just while he walking to class, what the hell else is going on?

Hillari said...

Grammar Gal,

I don't have kids; never wanted them. But my father's dad was beaten down by a gang-affliated punk in front of his house.

Two guys were throwing paper on the ground while Granddad was cleaning up his property. Granddad told them to stop and move on. One of the guys apologized and walked away. The other guy took offense, and beat my granddad into a coma. That was in August of 1984. Granddad died a few months later.

The girls who were beat down in 1978 had that done to them because it was known they lived in Disciple territory. The girls had been hanging around with various Disciple members. The gang expected them to show fidelity to them only. Gang-bangers are funny about people claiming alliances with rival gangs.

I was in high school then. My late younger sister and I had numerous run-ins with gang-bangers that only results in cuts, scrapes and bruises. The gangs were not relying on weapons as heavily as they do now. That's why I said those girls (whom I had beef with because of their harrassment of my grandmother) were lucky they weren't killed then.

I didn't feel sorry for the girls because they did something very stupid. I still don't.

Anonymous said...

and latinking is an idiot

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

I know Mr. Torres is a good guy. He stops by every once in a while to check up on us to see how we're doing and that's good.

You got it wrong, MIRP. I'm not allowing this drama to take over my school life. In fact, when I'm in class, that's the least of my worries. I worry about doing a good job in class and getting good grades.

You can't say that I'm not in class on time. I almost always arrive at my classes a minute or two before that second bell rings. You can't say that I don't focus on my classes because I do. Ask any of my teachers how hard I work.

Why would I fill up my report with every step I did in class? That would be boring to everyone else here. My reports are here for people to see what's going on at Sullivan. I want people to be aware so they can start hopefully doing something about it.

Man On The Street is right. I did begin to write for everyone because I was disturbed at what I was seeing here about my school. I wanted (and still want to) to make my school a better place. There's nothing wrong what that.

I also don't stick around at these fights/altercations. I'm usually only there for 2 to 5 seconds, then I'm gone and continuing my way to class. I don't stick around at stuff like that because I'm not about to get in trouble (trust me, I'd be in deep trouble, my mom knows someone who works at Sullivan and she can always get a call about me doing something from that person).

Also, to you people who like to disrespect me, cut it out, or you might not see anymore observations from me.

Anonymous said...


Don't pay attention to the rude, obnoxious people! Your posts are very informative and I really do look forward to reading them!

RP Free Speech said...


Hang in there, guy, please? Do NOT stop keeping us are the only student from Sullivan doing this. Studies are your priority, I see, and that's as it should be.

What you do with your free time is valuable to the community.

TO THOSE WHO SEEM BENT ON CRITICISM: I don't know this young man's disability, nor is it any of my business. The very fact that he continues is very important, yes, very, to those of us who don't or won't take the time to understand our youth.

Avondale is learning, continously, and deserves our support!

Grammar Gal is soooo TIRED OF BULLIES!

Craig Gernhardt said...

===Also, to you people who like to disrespect me, cut it out, or you might not see anymore observations from me.===

That's it. 'Can it' people. Timmy is offering us a valuable service free of charge. All comments that mess with Timmy will not be published from here on out.

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Thank you, guys, for the support. It's greatly appricated by you guys. Now that I've gotten this support, I will continue to keep everyone informed on the latest changing stuff at Sullivan.

Grammar Gal, I hear ya on the bullies part. They got nothing better to do.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs