Monday, March 23, 2009

B-Block Gang Bitch Marks Turf in the 49th Ward

DevCorp North: Miles of Murals. Day 30. Even thou this gang turf graffiti has been here over three months.

Upgraded, with video.

I'm tired of pointing out the exact location or trying to remove the gang graffiti in the neighborhood, only to be threatened with arrest. Instead, today, I'm holding a countdown to removal. What corner do the b-block bitches make home?

I'll give you a hint. This should be easy. DevCorp North's Special Service Area #24 cleaning crew passes this gang turf marking everyday, without notice. I'm saying without notice because no one at DevCorp has done a thing gang turf marking since I noticed this over a month ago. Because if they were doing the job like they tell the public they're doing their job, the gang turf graffiti wouldn't be there today. But it still is.

Story last ran 2/27/2009


Razldazlrr said...

The cleaning crew just passes this everyday and leaves it there?? OH Joeeee we need you!!

Craig Gernhardt said...


An alleged supervisor drives past this everyday in a tax payer funded, gas guzzling truck too. I say alleged because he sure doesn't act like a supervisor. He acts more like someone who's cruising the neighborhood trying to score chicks and wasting gas in the process.

Man On The Street said...

Broken Windows theory...

They need to rub this out NOW.

Craig Gernhardt said...

It's a shame $86,000 a year doesn't motivate Kimberly Bares enough to supervise her SSA workers.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Add another layer of mismanagement to the bureaucracy.

It's a shame $48,500 a year doesn't motivate René Carmargo enough to supervise his SSA workers.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Add yet another layer of mismanagement to the bureaucracy of Special Service Area #24.

It's a shame $43,800 a year doesn't motivate Mark Somen enough to supervise his SSA workers.

Craig Gernhardt said...

You gotta wonder who's paying for all these bloated salaries when DevCorp North is lucky to pull in $15,000 in membership dues.

I live here too said...

Wasn't 1 B-Block Bitch killed already this year?

presstoe said...

After you were done taking the picture why didn't you use a little acetone (nail polish remover) and a paper towel, and start cleaning? This sharpie tag is obviously upsetting to the community, so why not take action. I'd be gone in less time than it took for you to write this post.


Isaac Marshall said...

hey presstoe,

when the city and other government entities declares that we the citizens should clean up the streets, then we will do it. at least those who care will do it.

at the same time, those govt. entities can cut the payroll of all the deadbeats who are not doing their job. i will be happy to borrow my gf's nail polish to do this, knowing i have much more money when our govt. cuts the fat.

we all know this isn't ever going to happen, so get lost presstoe.

DorothyParker007 said...

call 311 to have it removed, thats what we do in edgewater, who cares which bitch didn't do their job or which bitch is a gang member.

"I don't care what anyone saids about me, as long as it isn't true." DP

Craig Gernhardt said...

===call 311 to have it removed===

I did, dip-weed. 6 weeks ago. Next dumb question from the peanut gallery.

presstoe said...

Isaac, what I am suggesting is that if people really want change then maybe they should go out and make it happen instead of sitting online bitching about.

It's interesting that you're waiting for the government to tell you what to do. The second part of your reply doesn't even make sense: "i will be happy to borrow my gf's nail polish to do this, knowing i have much more money when our govt. cuts the fat." I'm not following how you're going to get more money even if that did happen...

Craig, just go wash it off, it's not worth obsessing about for 6 months, seriously. If you tell me where it is, I'll remove it. Can't we all just get along? It's such a lame tag too, totally uncreative, yeah- it's gotta go.

CNB said...

Isn't that just another DBA for Ginderske?

Isaac Marshall said...


sorry if my post isn't clearer. many people are happy to make chnage in the neighborhood, but are frustrated by the fact that there are people paid by our tax dollars to do the work also. and they do not do the work, so why are they paid?

how will I have more money? It is called less taxes. is that clear enough for you? get rid of the deadbeats. we clean up or can help up more efficiently than our government agencies.

go blow presstoe!

DRD said...

WHY doesn't someone with the EXACT location to to city services on the net and get Graffitti busters. i called them one time, and there were here within the week. Or is it easier to bitch about it??????

DRD said...

Here is the damn link, try it out??

Craig Gernhardt said...

===Or is it easier to bitch about it??????===

It's easier to bitch about it. Now, you happy?

DRD said...

Give me the F**king exact address and I will contact them for you.

Craig Gernhardt said...

===WHY doesn't someone with the EXACT location to to city services on the net and get Graffitti busters.===

Stop bitching here and ask DevCorp. They're the one's who get paid to do this stuff with tax payer money. NOt me.

Craig Gernhardt said...

You won't be getting anything from me with that attitude. Try again.

DRD said...

lmao, have a nice day

Razldazlrr said...

Great video - we need to just keep calling and calling 311 daily and then emailing the alderman's office over and over again to get this taken care of! Joe is the Alderman - this is his community - this should be a priority for him instead of the nonsense he talks about - goose liver, olympics, walmart etc!!! How about taking care of the place you are "supposed" to represent? I'm also sick and tired of looking at the growing amounts of graffiti.

Craig Gernhardt said...

If those quotes were accurate in the video, Joe should've had this taken care of 8 days ago.

Joe is full of doggie do-do up to his eye-balls.

floss said...

A leader who is serious about combating gangs has graffitti removed as soon as it appears. It is the "broken window theory" fix the first broken window in your neighborhood, or else you will soon have ten more broken.

In not removing the graffitti, Alderman Moore is giving the gangs a big green light.

dd said...

If someone would please put the exact address on there, I WILL AND CAN GET IT REMOVED by calling 311. But nobody on this site is willing to do this...

dd said...

I would certainly try to have this grafitti removed, but nobody will give me the exact address where it is. I've used the 311 service and it works very well. Please let me know where it is. Thanks

mcl said...

Tea party said: "In not removing the graffiti, Alderman Moore is giving the gangs a big green light."

Just as allowing and tolerating (for ANY length of time) gang 'shrines' gives them the 'green light'.

And you're absolutely correct about the "broken windows' theory. It's a proven, proactive approach to restoring peace and order to our communities and should be SOP for the CPD.

floss said...

Trash was suddenly removed from the planter outside the Alderman's office shortly after a piece about the trash appeared at this blog. Perhaps the same will hold true for the graffitti.

Razldazlrr said...

I just keep calling 311 about the graffiti and emailing the alderman's office. According to the Alderman's office - they will get it taken care of if 311 doesn't.

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