Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bank Robbery on Western

2:18 PM: Police are searching for a bank robber who stole $749 dollars USC with a die-pack inside at the 5th Third National Bank, 7574 North Western. This is classified as a bona fide bank robbery.

The offender, who is described as male/black, about 6 foot tall, about 200 pounds, around 30 to 40 years old, wearing a blue down coat, black pants, white tennis shoes, burgundy hat, unknown color gloves, brown sun glasses and a goat-t mustache, fled in an unknown direction in a gray car.

Times must be tough, even for bank robbers. The robber implied he had a gun -- but didn't display the said gun. To make matters worse, the crook handed the teller a Target bag to collect his dough.

Evanston Police were notified. Nothing further at this time.


dd said...

So, will they be shooting at the Targets on the Target bag? I will not be going there tonight lol

RP Free Speech said...

Seems like he just spent all his cash at Target, saw something he liked, needed to "find" some more cash, and got back on the Pace 215 to get back to Target.

I hope Target was alerted, because the description, though detailed, remains vague.

More of this type of "robbery" will occur, because people continue to believe they are "entitled" to someone else's property. Incredible!

proGun said...

Perhaps he was an angry taxpayer and want his part of the stimulus package.

The North Coast said...

Yeah, Progun, I could almost- ALMOST- sympathize with him if that is his sentiment.

We who pay for all this crap are being robbed at gunpoint to bail out the financials - $5 Trillion if you include all the interventions of the past year and half to date, and to pay for Loyola's renovations, and for "affordable" (to whom?) housing, and to help John &Susie Moron stay in "thier" home, and for renos on private apt buildings, and for whatever other purpose is considered more noble or urgent a use for my money and yours than feeding ourselves and satisfying our own creditors.

Now, I want to know:Where's Mine? And is there any reason to continue to meet my obligations?

Fargo Woman said...

Northcoast, I couldn't agree with you more. I've been angry ever since I saw Mayor Daley with his dog and pony show for the media today. I guess it was just the last straw for me. He brought a woman before the cameras to explain how she "just couldn't take it anymore." What was it she couldn't take? Why the ups and downs of her variable rate mortgage, of course. She signed on at $1200 per month but then (darn those variable rates!) it shot up to $1840 then later went back down to $1600 then up to over $2000 per month, etc. etc.. Oh my, poor baby; her loan was actually doing exactly what it was designed to do . . . vary! How dare such a thing happen?

A year or so ago I was defending myself here on this blog because I'm a life long renter and there were/are those out there who felt I should have purchased a home or condo. A few people felt I was wasting my money by paying rent on someone else's property rather than a mortgage on something I would eventually own. Well, I knew what I could afford and once I took into account ALL the variables (mortgage, insurance, maintenance, utilities and taxes for instance) I knew I’d be better off with an affordable rent in a well maintained building where I could let the landlord worry about the variables and just raise my rent once a year or so. I can't help but think about that every time I hear of yet another person with the equivalent of a janitor’s salary crying about possibly losing his/her brain surgeon’s salary home. It shouldn’t take a genius to figure out that a pauper can't afford to live in a king’s mansion, should it?

I am living debt free. I can afford the home I live in – yes, it’s a rental apartment and I love it. I don't owe any taxes and I live so close to public transportation that owning a car is, in my humble opinion, a luxury rather than a necessity so I don’t own one. Every time I hear about the government buying up the banks’ bad debts or how awful it is that someone may lose their house because they chose to take out a second mortgage so they could travel the world or – well, you fill in the blanks – I just want to yell, “STOP!”

Every day I’m hearing more and more about the financial crisis, “we’ve gotten ourselves into” and how “we” need to tighten our belts and saddle our children and our children’s children and their children with trillions in debt in order to get past this today. Well, as Tonto might once have said, WHAT "WE" WHITE MAN? I didn’t have anything to do with this mess so why do I have to pay to clean it up?

In the meantime, my tax money is already squandered on stockpiled medications purchased by the state but then left to expire or simply disappear from inventory and sheriff’s cruisers purchased by the county are left to rust in a forest preserve somewhere. But, of course, none of that is really surprising; that’s the way our taxes have been spent over the years anyway ($8 waste for every $2 put to good use). It's just that now we're also being asked to shoulder the burden of Wall Street’s greed and the economic alchemy of the country’s financial wizards. Enough already, this is madness and it has to STOP!

All right, that’s my rant for the day. I'm going to draw a hot bath and pop a couple of valium. Night night, all. Sweet dreams.


Razldazlrr said...

On a topic we discussed before - Olympics - I saw on the news yesterday interviews with the various people in Vancouver, hosting the 2010 Olympics. They are drowning in debt, their property taxes have gone through the roof to pay for Olympics, the city is almost going broke. Oh sure, the city and a few righteous "already rich" might make money from it once they get there but all of the citizens are now paying the price.

RP Free Speech said...

Fargo Woman said:

"All right, that’s my rant for the day. I'm going to draw a hot bath and pop a couple of valium. Night night, all. Sweet dreams."

Sorry, Laura, that's NOT the way to go. Unless you CHOOSE Valium to take you away from "the cares of the world".

It's TIME, now, for all of us here in the 49th Ward, to "get up off our duffs", even though we may need a CANE to do it!

Anonymous said...

Fargo: I have been a life long renter and I had to hear the same crap... "your just throwing your money away".

Now they say "I wish I was you".


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