Thursday, March 26, 2009

Burger King Coming to Gateway Mall

Pending the outcome of a community meeting.


Bill Morton said...

Did anyone notice that another business in the Gatway Mall closed?


mcl said...

Great...just what the area needs...a fast food (junk food) outlet for the obese/diabetic population, not to mention the additional litter this will generate!

Is the Food Industry Following Big Tobacco's Playbook?
Source: The Milbank Quarterly Volume 87, Number 1, March, 2009

In 1954 cigarette manufacturers ran an historic "advertorial" in over 400 U.S. newspapers called the "Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers" in which they stated their overriding concern for public health and promised to "cooperate closely" with authorities over concerns that cigarettes caused cancer. Instead, cigarette companies followed the ad with decades of deceitful actions that cost millions of lives.

Today, the food industry appears to be following the tobacco industry's playbook on how to respond to concerns that its products cause harm. The strategy's main features include cultivating fears that government action infringes on personal freedom; focusing on personal responsibility as the sole cause of unhealthy diets; characterizing studies that hurt the industry as "junk science"; promoting the idea that there are no good or bad foods (thus no particular foods should be targeted for change); vilifying critics by portraying them as "food police" and leaders of the "nanny state"; forming front groups to advocate industry positions; engaging in self-styled "corporate social responsibility" programs and promoting self regulation as the best answer to the public's concerns.

Will the food industry choose to take real actions that promote public health, or will it "supersize" past tobacco industry strategies?

esdsdie said...

yaaaay food poisoning! people riding the red line while suffering from food poisoning!
(my most vivid memory of burger king was getting sick from it when i was 10...)

esdsdie said...

bill- quizno's has closed a lot of stores all over. they're not doing too well as a business.

Craig Gernhardt said...

The Planning a Development Agreement forbids drive-thru restaurants at Gateway Mall. No matter, ZULAC approves.

proGun said...

Personally I am against BK.

Not my choice when I have a choice.

It would be nice if some of our leaders actively sought other retail outlets to fill the vacant spots.

mcl said...

This is retail development 'progress' under the leadership of our alderman and DevCorp? Have these people forgotten the very negative aspects of the eventually failed KFC at Howard & Marshfield. WTF!!

I live here too said...

If a drive through is prohibited no major fast food outlet will locate there. Drive through is too much part of the business now.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Joe Moore and ZULAC have known about this since January 13, 2009.

We've yet to see the community meeting announcement.

Al Iverson said...

I'm not a huge fan of Burger King, but this isn't something I'm against. (Would rather it was a Mickey D's, so I can get an occasional egg mcmuffin.)

Kyle Hillman said...

I am with AI -- would prefer a McDonald's but really ANYTHING right now in that space would be improvement.. so good for Burger King.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hillari said...

I like Burger King (even though I really don't need to eat there), but couldn't another business have been inserted there?

Al Iverson said...

Boxing, what other business are you offering to open up there? If wishes were fishes...

(Trying to figure out where to expand my own offices...probably will be downtown, as much as I'd love to keep it up here.)

Craig Gernhardt said...

Records show Panda Express expressed interest last year.

I'd love a good "In-and-Out Burger."

Bill Morton said...

Wasn't there already a Chinese take-out business in the Gateway Mall before the Howard construction?

What happened to that great little grill on Howard next to the entrance before construction? It was cheap, tasty and had been there for years.

Did you hear that Rogers Park Pizza closed and is being replaced by another similar business?

Kinda reminds me of Amphora closing and being replaced by Hop Haus.

Good Luck Hop Haus!

Fargo Woman said...

"I'd love a good in and out burger."

Yeah, it goes in and in less than twenty minutes it comes right back out but only after leaving all the cholesterol and other junk food gunk behind in your system.

Why can't we woo a less toxic company into that mall? By the way, will they hire from the community or just transfer employees from their recently closed stores?

And what's happening to the maintenance of the Gateway Plaza anyway? There are sink holes in the parking lot and the elevator in the atrium looks like something out of the projects with all the graffiti and now the broken and missing floor tiles. It needs a fresh paint job but I don't see anyone maintaining it other than an occasional window washer. I know it's open to the public so I shouldn't expect it to shine but the atrium is starting to look down right shabby and the parking lot looks neglected.


The North Coast said...

Someone here asked "couldn't another business have been inserted here?"

It's amazing how people imagine that you bring a business a mall, or neighborhood, just by willing it.

Another type of business,one we find more charming, being "inserted" there depends upon a number of factors that may or may not have anything to do with what we want.

Businesses don't just spring up whole. Someone has to front a largish quantity of money, go through the incredible red tape in getting set up, licensed, and permitted, and commit huge amounts of money to build out, equipment, advertising, utilities, space.

And to do all that, you must have very good reason to believe that the business will MAKE YOU A PROFIT. And, if you are borrowing money to start up, your lender has to believe your business will make money.

Right now, given the credit debacle and condition the banks are in; and the overall steep contraction of the economy, it's amazing that anyone wants to start anything at all, and it's a sure bet that anything that isn't really a surefire draw, or really utilitarian and necessary, isn't going to get off the ground.

I'm not nuts about Burger King, either, but it's better than an empty space. The kinds of businesses that would be really charming and pretty, are folding right and left. Border's Books, for example, might end up shutting down altogether- so much for all the TIF money spent luring them to Uptown and other locations. Blockbuster will probably fade during this recession, as well, and many other national chains are on the ropes.

Eeyore said...

I have no gripe with BK. They even have cool toys sometimes. But IF wishes WERE fishes, I'd wish for Portillo's.

Bill Vaccaro said...

This will probably replace the BK that closed on Howard near Western. Personally, I'd prefer Wendy's. They have a lot more healthy choices than either Mickey D's or BK, IMHO.

Unknown said...

Looking for a decent burger at the Gateway?
Try the new "Hop Haus" bar/grill in the old "Amphora/My Place For" location. Just opened, run by the Leona's people. Looks good, haven't tried it yet myself.

Anonymous said...

mcl: Oh the drama! You act as if a casino is moving in. No one is forcing you to eat there. I like a big juicey whopper every now and then and I'm perfectly healthy. Did you get all hot-and-bothered when the Common Cup opened? Great...just what we need. a coffee outlet for the caffeine-addicted population (note: i like the common cup).

And those of you complaining because you'd rather have a different business...don't worry--there's plenty of vacant spots remaining. Maybe another currency exchange or cell phone store can set up shop. I know we all have have a desire for something better to open there, but let's be realistic about it. It's a crap economy and few businesses will take the risk of opening up shop in that particular area. So stop the complaining & either go enjoy BK's heart-attack in a bun or continue to eat elsewhere.

But since we're submitting wish lists, I'd love to have a Buffalo Wild Wings open there. Seems to me like it would be a good location (big enough space, parking, and virtually no competition).

anomadic.1 said...

the spot where hollywood video was at would be a nice place for Panera Bread, at least they are upscale fast food, but burger king. Is this the best that they can do?.......gee no wonder some people refer to gateway as ghettoway

Anonymous said...

Red Mango or Pinkberry. I think they would make a good addition and bring in more traffic.

Also El Llano. I wish they would comeback to RP. I also would like other ethnic eateries or a good bakery, though BK is better than an empty storefront.

Unknown said...

OK - I admit it - I have no clue what or where Gateway Mall is - LOL! Although I did see our Alderman is going to have the Mayor our way for his big ribbon cutting ceremony for Howard Street L - I think he should take him down the L line - make a stop at Morse and take a little walk around the neighborhood! LOL

mcl said...

Jerk Store;
Greasy burgers and fries KILL, on the other hand, is shown to be full of 'healthy antioxidants'. To compare Common Cup with a Burger King is laughable!

mcl said...

FYI,Sudokuist, the Burger King is not going into an 'empty storefront'...They are building a freestanding structure on the vacant Gateway ground area south of the Hop Haus/African Harambee restaurants.

The North Coast said...

Too bad the BK isn't taking an empty space in this failed mall.

The Gateway is so badly designed and inappropriate for an urban space. I hear that Dominick's insisted upon the "suburban" strip mall design or else they wouldn't locate there.

Well, that's interesting because Dominick's is now building stores more appropriate for urban environments, like the 4 story multiuse with underground parking on Broadway in Lakeview, which fronts the street, has a much bigger footprint than the old store that burned down on that spot, and fits in with the street.

A good planning dept would have nixed the horrid Gateway project,and offered an alternative plan that would have left the old LaSalle Bk building standing, and built urban-style multiuse buildings that would have created a real streetscape. Instead, we have this huge parking lot and a center that turns its back to the street, creating a 'dead zone' on Howard between the bus plaza and Clark, with no thought given to the streetwall on either Clark or Howard.

What a lost opportunity, and we are stuck with this monstrosity for another 30 years at least.

Bosworth said...

And here's another reason to re-elect Joe!!!

He continues to do more and more for the neighborhood.

Aren't we lucky?!?!

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