Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Holes in Rogers Park

The Aldelphi hole @ Estes and Clark. The Coe hole @ Howard and Ashland. The sink hole @ Lunt & Sheridan.


proGun said...

Do Not forget the hole at Lunt and the west side of the El tracks.
It is easily 7-8' deep.

Could not bear to look in but my 3 year old son found it and almost fell in.

Needless to say it scared me when I thought what might have happened if he fell in.

Still a little shakey and that was a few days ago.

Rogers Park Vigilance said...

Not as bad as Russia yet. There, you'll see holes in the street so big they plug them with old REFRIGERATORS...

Rogers Park Vigilance said...

Well, since you probably will say "There's no way there are potholes THAT big!", here's proof!
In Russia, pothole run over YOU.

Craig Gernhardt said...

This guy claims a pot-hole caused him to shoot 20 feet into the air on Lake Shore Drive. I saw the tree damage. It was easy a 20 foot flight.

floss said...

Avoid parking near potholes. You might loose a door mirror due to people swerving.

I suspect that happened to me on Jarvis.

ms21 said...

That's why I take the train. It's safe, right?

backintherog said...

Judging by the title, I thought this was a post about new bloggers! :) I kid, I kid.

Anonymous said...

Estes and Glenwood has a cave in too. Only 3 feet deep, but I saw someone fall in it.

Estes Dude said...

Check out the crater in front of Kim's @ Estes & Glenwood

Fargo Woman said...

BREAKING NEWS! Please turn your radios to 91.5FM and listen to the American Story. It's all about the horrors of the condo realities here in Rogers Park. It is absolutely amazing!


Sue said...

Pot holes the size of mattresses are all over this city. How about this though? Over near the Loyola EL stop we are getting the new street lights, only this means months of blacked out nighttime streets while ComEd takes its sweet time getting these new ones in place and the old ones removed. We have had so many muggings and armed robberies within a 3 block radius of this area that I witnessed one in front of my building last night. What the hell can anyone do to get the frickin' lights on in our neighborhood again? O'Connor ignored all my emails from when the work started. Great bunch of scum working this city.

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