Friday, March 6, 2009

Chicago Journal News Star Sold. Again. (Updated)

How important is the community newspaper anymore? Really now... think about it. No one reads them. Right? After all, you can get all your neighborhood news right here on the daily blogs, like The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park. Timmy, Hugh and I can cover more neighborhood news for Rogers Park on this blog -- and have the news up for you folks to read, in a timely fashion, better than two neighborhood newspapers, three not-for-profit propaganda community journals, a plethora of astro-turf types neighborhood pr websites, anything Michael James produces - and the Alderman's email poofs.... combined.

Plus, it doesn't cost you a dime. You get it free of charge.

So why do we need the weekly Chicago Journal News-Star anymore? Very few of the neighborhood businesses actually supported it with paid advertising. They'd rather post their business flyers on the neighborhood light poles instead.

The only value the paper has according to the new owner was it's legal foreclosure notices. So, what else does the new owner plan to put in the paper?

* Old news and information you've already read on this blog?

* News from a student reporter who doesn't know the neighborhood or it's players?

* Fluff pieces, promoting propaganda from locally elected officials and taxpayer funded not-for-profits?

What is your feeling on the demise of our community newspaper? I'm talking the print version, not the free on-line news. Do you need it anymore? Will you miss it?

You may be asking yourself, why do I bring this up? I'll tell you why. It sounds like the new owner is already admitting defeat.

Bonus question: Would you subscribe to an on-line version if it wasn't offered on the internet for free?

RELATED: Chicago Journal sold cheap.

Updated: I'm informed nothing is etched in stone with this deal just yet. I'll keep you updated.


Fargo Woman said...

Why we need a neighborhood newspaper: Lorraine Swanson.
O.K., O.K., I'm a fan but really, folks, you have to admit she provides coverage on issues the rest of the media ignores, she follows journalistic ethics and practices, and she's not in any elected official's pocket. Fact is, if I had the money, I'd seriously consider buying the paper myself just to keep her active in the community. I sincerely hope Loraine finds a lucrative, prosperous venue for her talent and that, some how - some way, she continues to provide the news we need in the neighborhood.

Regarding news on the net: No, I don't think I would be willing to pay for it. The above notwithstanding, I guess I'm just too old school to want to switch to electronic media for my news. Don't get me wrong, I do read the occasional article on the net but it is usually for research or to get multiple views on something I originally read in a newspaper (emphasis on the word portion "paper").


Local Business Owner said...

I am sad to see them go.
Lorraine Swanson has done a wonderful job of covering local news.
As a local business owner, we advertised every week. Their advertising/art department have been great to work with. It's a shame but somewhat inevitable I suppose.

Razldazlrr said...

I have never seen the paper - where do they sell it? or do they give it away?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Before Chicago Journal bought the paper from the Sun-Times Media Group, it was sold for 50 cents. When Chicago Journal took over, they offered it out free.

Hugh said...

" ... Hugh and I can cover more neighborhood news for Rogers Park on this blog ... better ... "

I disagree

there is no substitute for a real, professional journalist, whether in print or online

long live our neighborhood newspaper!

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

I agree, Hugh. Even though we (since Craig included my name) may be good at getting news out faster, there is really no replacement for a newspaper and a professional journalist. There's nothing like reports out of newspapers/TV news (most of the time).

I feel bad for the employees. Where are they supposed to go now?

You're a great citizen journalist (in my opinion) so I hope people can look up you in reporting the news, Craig :-).

Hillari said...

I've been reading it on a regular basis, and i would miss it. Every neighborhood should have its own newspaper. It provides needed news and information to the residents.

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