Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Price of Community Activism

Emailed to the 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park.

Dear Neighbors,

I am forwarding portions of a message describing an attack on one of our most prominent community activists, Greg Brewer, who was mugged on his doorstep. Since the attackers asked for him by name, we can safely assume that this was not a random event but that Greg was specifically targeted for intimidation, probably in response to his activism. We are all shocked and very saddened to hear that Greg was assaulted. It's absolutely horrific....especially something like that happening at your own home!
Last night {Monday} around 5:45pm Greg answered a knock at our door, the guy who was standing there asked if he was Greg Brewer. When he said yes, the guy reached out to shake hands, but instead, pulled Greg out of the house, punched him in the face, pulled him down the stairs and was joined by another guy who helped in punching and kicking him.

I was in the back of the house and had no idea what was going on until I heard Greg yell. Luckily one of our neighbors was driving by as it happened, honked her horn and pulled over and the guys took off before it got any worse. We're both OK, did a police report, etc. I'm sharing this with you because you've supported Greg and thought you'd want to know.

Take care,

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